10 Ways in Which Having a Baby is Like Being ‘Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt’

After binge watching ‘Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt’ (is there any other way to watch a Netflix show?) I began to see some comparisons between her life and my life after the Baby….

1. You feel like you’ve been in a hole for 15 years. yolo 2. You feel like you’ve been inducted into a cult. tv cult 3. The people you are in the hole with are completely bonkers. crazy mummy 4. Your fashion sense is a little dated. fashion forward 5.So is your music taste. tongue singer 6. Occasionally you have to be really brave. brave mama       7. You can feel like someone’s slave. mama slave 8. Your boss is also bonkers. bad boss 9. You say odd things to avoid swearing. not swearing 10. You believe the only way to cope with life is through unfaltering optimism. optimism

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A Cornish Mum
Let's Talk Mommy

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5 Ways in Which I’ve Ruined My Son (According to My Wife)

5 Ways in Which I’ve Ruined My Son (According to My Wife)


I had an operation on my back a few months ago so most of my current parenting involves me lying flat on the bed/sofa/floor, under the influence of fairly hardcore narcotics while my 7 month old steps on my nose and pinches my breasts. Or as I like to call it, ‘loves me’.

On the rare occasions that I feel physically able to step up my contribution and take the load off a little for my exhausted wife, she inevitably accuses me of ‘ruining it’.

For example I took the Baby for a bath. He’s recently started sitting during playing so when he began to fight to get up I took him off the reclining bath chair and allowed him to sit. There were a few hairy moments when he wobbled and almost drown, I’m not going to lie. Newly mobile 7 month olds and soap are a slippery combination. My wife was furious. I’d shown him the light and now he refuses to lie down and let her wash his hair. Oops.

Then I was left in charge of feeding. He was supremely uninterested in eating his stinky slop and I thought he might eat more if he wielded the control. I handed him the spoon. Now he prefers to wear his food and decorate the surrounding area rather than eat. Oops again.

We were in a restaurant and in an effort to entertain him while his other mother finished her meal I fed him water by trapping it in the end of my straw. Apparently this is a much more fun way to consume water than the typical sippy cup method. Oops, the third.

He was hot. I took his clothes off so he could romp naked and dry the sweat off his back. Who wouldn’t want to be naked all the time, given the opportunity? Oops the fourth.

I was eating a snack and he dragged his little body (and big, fat head…seriously, I hope that evens out soon!) over to investigate. I let him have a tiny, tiny nibble on my cheese sandwich. Now he won’t leave us alone when we have food. Oops the fifth.

Recently my wife has been really insistent that I rest and leave the baby care to her. No idea why.


lie down

My baby has a better social life than me.

9.30 am





swimming lessons


5.42 pm



Thank god the Baby sleeps early. What have you been doing with your kids this weekend?




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Sensory play…for the Mama.

Mama: Baby, come here! Look at this! I read this great website last night and today we’re going to do sensory play. It’ll exercise your creativity and make you smarter and more confident. We’re going to have to start with one of the not messy ones because the Mummy is going to have to warm up to the idea.

Baby: ……

Mama: OK, sit right there. Sit. Sit. SIT. I’m really glad we bought you that floor seat. You’ve gotten so much use out of it. *rolls eyes*


Mama: Wow- look at this! Look at the pretty colours! Do you want to touch it?

throw paining

Mama: Baby, look. You can move the colours. Want to try?

throw paining

Mama: Cool, if you press with your finger you can mix them. Isn’t that fun?

sensory play mama

Mama: Wait a minute….

mama sensory play 2

Mama: This is fun! It’s like therapy.

mama sensory play 3

Baby: ……

baby chew table

Have you had any more successful sensory play experiences with your tot?

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The Dad Network

The many personalities of play dates

We’ve been inducted into our first mummy circle and informal playgroup- yay! Huge relief for the Mummy as she’s waaaay tired of listening to me prattle on.

The second best thing, after swapping war stories with the mummies, is all the different babies who attend:

The Teeny Tiny 1 Month Old Baby.

newborn baby

Aw, so very cute and so very little! This baby spends most of his time snoozing away adorably, waking only to let go a few super cute mewling cries. His gorgeousness is almost enough to make you forget the hell of child birth and the torture of those many, many sleepless nights and want another. Almost…but not quite.

The 3 Month Old with the Fabulous Quiff.

3 month baby

What not to love about this blue-eyed cutie? Not only are you jealous of his gravity defying hairstyle and his piercing baby blues, but he’s also not able to move independently yet- score! Add to that the fact that this little cutie can take a nap right in the midst of a pack of screeching, crying, missile launching babies and you are almost ready to trade him for your own.

The 6 Month Old Chillax Baby.

6 month baby

This cute little dude doesn’t sweat the small stuff. Rolled over and can’t get back? Had your toy stolen by the Baby Who Doesn’t Poop Rainbows? Surrounded by a bunch of strangers and their spawn? Don’t sweat it, man! Just keep calm and giggle. These mummies are hoping his mere tranquil presence will take our baby down a few notches

The Almost a Year Independent Baby.

older baby

Zooming around at the speed of light is the older baby. You jealously watch as he zips about and plays independently. You marvel at his skills as he switches the TV on, finds his toys and, most importantly doesn’t put every little thing in his mouth. He has also mastered the art of ‘handling mummies’ with a few choice words, a ridiculously charming smile and full on cat adoration.

The Doesn’t Poop Rainbows Baby.

nervous baby

Your baby is showing his nerves, hanging close to his mummies, bar the occasional break for something forbidden. He’s a little put out at not being able to nibble on the other mums’ sushi, eat the books or maul the little babies lying so temptingly there on the floor. He hasn’t quite found his feet yet and the Mummy and the Mama are dreading the moment when he does.

What’s your favorite thing about play dates?


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Blog Name: My Kid Doesn’t Poop Rainbows- and other parenting realizations.

Blog URL: http://pooprainbows.com

Twitter ID: PoopRainbowMama

Email: mykiddoesntpooprainbows@yahoo.com

and a favourite post url (the long thing that appears after the http:// when you’re reading your favourite post of mine).

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Friday Frolics

Why I <3 Baby Sleeping Bags.

I could say I love baby sleeping bags for a multitude of fake reasons. Yes, they help the Baby to feel snuggly and cuddled. Yes, they keep the Baby warm and can’t be kicked off during the night. Yes, they have become part of our bed time routine and send a clear signal that it’s time for sleep. Yes, he looks cute in them and they come in a variety of lovely patterns. But the real reason? baby crib cry   This is the Baby without one. Does that look like the optimal sleeping position? Do you think it’s likely he’ll cry for a minute or two and then nod off? This, however-         baby sleeping bagPerfect for sleep training. They are like tiny little straight jackets that people don’t judge you for using! Wiggle away, my little worm but we both know pretty quickly you’re going to feel tired and nod off. We love baby sleeping bags!

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Let's Talk Mommy

4 Easy Money Saving Hacks for Raising Kids.

I’m Scottish for all intents and purposes and the Mummy is tight-fisted careful with money by nature. Add to that the fact that my part-time teacher’s wage is our only source of income and you could safely say our baby raising budget is a bit more controlled than some. So here are our money saving tips for raising kids.

1. Newborns don’t need all that stuff.

The stores try to trick you into buying all sorts of crap. Guess what? You probably don’t need it. Our baby lived in onesie pjs with built in mitts for the first 8 weeks. Who the heck can tell when it’s not pajama time with a newborn? Plus it kept him warm and the built in mitts kept the razor sharp fingernails from making him look like he’d tried ling chi.

As for entertainment- use what ever you’ve got to hand. A fork twirled around with sound effect noises can be freaking fascinating. As can a pair of socks.

peepee teepee


I sh$% you not, this is a thing. $10 on amazon.

Parents- a wet wipe or wet cotton wool bud will keep that hose under control.

2. Hit up your mum friends and the 2nd hand stores/sites.

Little babies grow out of clothes and toys before they can really inflict much damage. Bouncy chairs, tummy time mats and clothes can be acquired for pennies. Your baby wont know if their the first person to wear that t-shirt or the 7th. Just ask my little brother.

ebay bidding

3. Forgo the expensive baby classes.

Learn some nursery rhymes, make your own baby-proof musical instruments (Tupperware and a wooden spoon, tighly closed bottle filled with rice), throw down a rug or a big play mat and invite some mummy friends and their spawn. You just saved yourself hundreds of pound/dollars and you don’t have to tolerate an instructor who seems to be mainlining sugar and forced joviality. Your kid doesn’t need professional support to drool and ignore you.

baby class instructor

4. Make your own baby food.

OK- I know I risk sounding a little Pinterest-y here. I’m not talking about making Disney characters out of broccoli, escargot and quinoa. I’m talking about making a big, balanced meal for your dinner then scraping half of it into the blender before you add salt or sugar. Et voila! Pop that mush in the freezer and you’re sorted for the week.

baby mush

And there you have it. I’ve just saved you hundreds of pounds/dollars. You can show your satisfaction by sending me a monetary reward or by nominating me for the BiBs (see below).

What are your money saving tips for raising kids?

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Baby Led Weaning…maybe?

So you might remember our earlier forays into Baby Led Weaning…which you can read about here.

In the last week or so I’ve had a little more success. We’ve had fewer and fewer Vesuvius upchuck moments and we got through today with just a little phlegm-y spit out. Huzzah!

So how did we do it, I hear you clamoring? Three Two words: gateway drug. Or to put it another way- cake.

OK, OK, stay with me here…no, don’t call child services.

Before the Baby reacted to anything that wasn’t newborn-poop-smooth with a fast and deliberate vomit fountain. I simply had to teach him that the best foods come in lumpy form. And what is the best food? Cake, of course.

Before you start burning my pictures on the ‘Bad Mothering- Straight to Hell’ pyre, I would like to add that this was not your average cake. This was a homemade (by the Mummy, not me, don’t be ridiculous), fresh, organic mango cake. Made with mangoes picked from our tree that morning. Wow, maybe I am a Pintresting-type mum. OK, nope, maybe the Mummy is.

Anyway, so when the Baby saw me shoveling large slices of said cake into my…cake hole, he became very interested. And- funnily enough, knew better than to purge the cake from his system.

A few tiny morsels of cake and he was hooked. He’s now stealing itty, bitty bites of bread, apple, ground meat, mushroom, cheese and sweet potato. I call that a success, friends!

But now mealtimes look like this:

begging face

*Disclaimer: I’m not advising that you administer cake, crack or coke (soda or otherwise) to your child. Don’t try this and then sue me. I had IVF, I have no money- trust me.  I am not a doctor, health adviser or dietitian. Check out the BLW website for much better advice if you are having difficulties.


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Blog Name: My Kid Doesn’t Poop Rainbows- and other parenting realizations.

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Things I swore I’d never do as a parent.

As I sat, a naive single and judged parents all around me, I made a list of things I’d never do with my own child. Let’s see how I’m getting on 7 months in…

  1. I’ll never let my baby watch TV.

Now my skin starts to crawl and I develop an eye twitch at the opening bars that purple dinosaur song.

purple dinosaur

2. I’ll never feed my baby sugar.

No, no you can’t have that. No, no! That’s cake. That’s for mummies. No- OK, whatever. Have a bite.

baby reach cake

3. I’ll never feed him formula.

That ship sailed a few months ago.

boob sailing ship

4. I’ll never dress my baby up in costumes.


baby costumes

5. I’ll never let the dog lick the baby.

Now the challenge is trying to stop the baby licking back.

baby lick dog

6. My baby will never not sleep through the night after 3 months.



baby monitor10baby monitor12.45baby monitor2.53baby monitor4.15


Yeah. So shut up, single self. You were a judgy butt-hole.

What things did you say you’d never do as a parent? 


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Blog URL: http://pooprainbows.com

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The Dad Network

The Baby is Grumpy (!)

grumpy baby

The baby is grumpy because you haven’t nominated his Mama for a Brilliance in Blogging Award. You can turn him back into his smiling, farty, poopy self really easily!

Simply click on this link: http://www.britmums.com/bibs-2015-categories/

Click on the nominate button and choose either the ‘Fresh Voice’ or ‘Family’ (or both) heading.

Here’s the info you need:

Blog Name: My Kid Doesn’t Poop Rainbows- and other parenting realizations.

Blog URL: http://pooprainbows.com

Twitter ID: PoopRainbowMama

Email: mykiddoesntpooprainbows@yahoo.com

and a favourite post url (the long thing that appears after the http:// when you’re reading your favourite post of mine).

Thanks a lot, you guys! Give me a heads up in the comments section if you succeed and I’ll send a little internet love your way. Not porn. Don’t be gross.

If you did already vote the Baby is probably grump because he’s hungry, or tired, or he has a poonami situation going on and no one realized yet, or he’s sick, or teething or having another one of those ironically labelled ‘wonder weeks’.  I’ll figure it out. Eventually.

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