Baby Led Weaning- Nope!

One of my many great ideas about parenting was Baby Led Weaning. No extra hassle- just let the baby have unsalted, overcooked versions of what you’re having. I figured it would even encourage us to eat healthier as there’s no way I’d let my little cherub ingest the toxic garbage the Mummy and I regularly put in our bodies.

So, a few days short of his half birthday the Baby was wrangled into his brand new highchair, a bib sporting an obnoxious slogan was fixed around his neck and I handed him a finger-sized piece of deseeded watermelon.


He somewhat nervously licked it, pulled a face, licked it again, pulled another face and then had a nibble. Then this happened.

vomit baby

Okaaaaay. Thought I maybe he wasn’t ready. A week or so passed and I thought we’d take another pass. Maybe we bit off more than he could chew. I cooked the heck out of some carrots, let them cool then offered him a teeny, tiny, minuscule piece.


He very trustingly opened his mouth and allowed me to deposit the microscopic carrot in his mouth.

vomit baby

Okaaaay. I figured maybe he’s not ready for pieces yet. Maybe he needs some mush. So I got busy with the world’s most ripe banana and mashed it to death with a fork.


vomit baby

Different days, different foods, same result. They say the definition of insanity is doing something over and over but expecting a different same outcome. That’s me at the moment. Yesterday I gave him some waffle in a restaurant (what was I thinking??) and then had to finish my dessert with a stinking hand from where I’d caught his vomit explosion in order to save my clothes. So we had a rethink….

Ah, stuff it!’


Have any of you had more success with Baby Led Weaning? Any tips and tricks you’d like to share with the group?

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10 thoughts on “Baby Led Weaning- Nope!

  1. We did baby led weaning with both kids. I think maybe you were putting in too much effort by Overcooking food or chopping it up small. Some of the first things we did were rice cakes – just give them a whole one and they kind of gum tiny bits off, toast fingers are good too or give them a banana to hold and he will kind of suck on it. Ours didn’t gag much but maybe you could try giving the finger foods a long time after he has had milk so your are less likely to get large volume pukes. I liked blw because it was easy and I didn’t have to take special food out with me I could just give Helen half my sandwich, also I like to eat my own food at mealtimes instead of feeding my child (maybe I am not a good person) – but if it isn’t working for you I wouldn’t worry too much. My children are still super fussy now despite our cool hippy weaning regime.


    • Haha! I was totally keen on the ‘hippy weaning regime’ also because I am possibly not a good person (I enjoy my meals fresh and hot). We did try things like toast and rusks but with the same reaction…however *cliff hanger!* see tomorrow’s post for a BLW update.
      Thanks so much for the advice!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. The baby led weaning sounded like more work to me than making purees and oatmeal. I’m paranoid about choking too. A mom in my mom group has been very successful with it. I think making the purees is fun, and I’ve been gradually making them thicker (peas and sweet potato especially).

    Liked by 1 person

  3. One of my friends with a 4 month old mixed a tablespoon of rice cereal with three tablespoons of breast milk and gave it to her daughter to introduce solids. It might help just because it’s so bland!


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