Baby Led Weaning…maybe?

So you might remember our earlier forays into Baby Led Weaning…which you can read about here.

In the last week or so I’ve had a little more success. We’ve had fewer and fewer Vesuvius upchuck moments and we got through today with just a little phlegm-y spit out. Huzzah!

So how did we do it, I hear you clamoring? Three Two words: gateway drug. Or to put it another way- cake.

OK, OK, stay with me here…no, don’t call child services.

Before the Baby reacted to anything that wasn’t newborn-poop-smooth with a fast and deliberate vomit fountain. I simply had to teach him that the best foods come in lumpy form. And what is the best food? Cake, of course.

Before you start burning my pictures on the ‘Bad Mothering- Straight to Hell’ pyre, I would like to add that this was not your average cake. This was a homemade (by the Mummy, not me, don’t be ridiculous), fresh, organic mango cake. Made with mangoes picked from our tree that morning. Wow, maybe I am a Pintresting-type mum. OK, nope, maybe the Mummy is.

Anyway, so when the Baby saw me shoveling large slices of said cake into my…cake hole, he became very interested. And- funnily enough, knew better than to purge the cake from his system.

A few tiny morsels of cake and he was hooked. He’s now stealing itty, bitty bites of bread, apple, ground meat, mushroom, cheese and sweet potato. I call that a success, friends!

But now mealtimes look like this:

begging face

*Disclaimer: I’m not advising that you administer cake, crack or coke (soda or otherwise) to your child. Don’t try this and then sue me. I had IVF, I have no money- trust me.  I am not a doctor, health adviser or dietitian. Check out the BLW website for much better advice if you are having difficulties.


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8 thoughts on “Baby Led Weaning…maybe?

  1. Yay- glad you’re having some success – people are so evangelical about what we feed our kids. So cake has a bit of sugar – so does fruit!

    I’m very envious of your mango tree – we have had to take out a small 2nd mortgage to fund our children’s soft fruit addiction – perhaps moving to a tropical country is the solution!


    • Yeah, we’re glad too. Sure, move over here. Some might see it as a little extreme but what the hey?!
      No, actually don’t because I’m having to take out an enormous loan to fund my berries addiction.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Brilliant idea! I wish I would’ve done this when I weened my children. Weaning would have been much more pleasant for both me and the little ones. I’m also impressed by the mango tree and the mango cake!


    • I know right?! I can claim credit for neither. The mango tree is completely unloved in our rented house’s garden. This year it took it upon itself to fruit for us for the first time. The cake is all my better half. It’s been a long time since I created something edible in the kitchen.


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