Why I <3 Baby Sleeping Bags.

I could say I love baby sleeping bags for a multitude of fake reasons. Yes, they help the Baby to feel snuggly and cuddled. Yes, they keep the Baby warm and can’t be kicked off during the night. Yes, they have become part of our bed time routine and send a clear signal that it’s time for sleep. Yes, he looks cute in them and they come in a variety of lovely patterns. But the real reason? baby crib cry   This is the Baby without one. Does that look like the optimal sleeping position? Do you think it’s likely he’ll cry for a minute or two and then nod off? This, however-         baby sleeping bagPerfect for sleep training. They are like tiny little straight jackets that people don’t judge you for using! Wiggle away, my little worm but we both know pretty quickly you’re going to feel tired and nod off. We love baby sleeping bags!

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23 thoughts on “Why I <3 Baby Sleeping Bags.

  1. Hhaha this made me laugh because I kept my kids in sleeping bags until they were even in their big kid beds as it kept them from ever getting out of bed at night. lol I know bad parenting but it worked and now my toddler asks before he ever gets out of his bed which is great. They are great for snuggling too. I want one. lol Thank you so much for linking up to Share With Me. #sharewithme

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Love the pictures! Also they stop baby climbing out of the cot. Until they don’t, and just create a massive hazard as they try and can’t rescue themselves. Then you move them to their big bed, where they can cause all kinds of mayhem unfettered. Sigh. Thanks for visiting my blog, nice to discover you.


    • Haha. I know. I’m already wondering how the heck you’re meant to have them stay in the bed and the room. Just when uou thing you’ve got something susssed, sigh. Thanks for stopping by!


  3. Yup, mine learned to stand and walk in hers at some point but it was a pretty good deterrent from climbing out of her crib for a while there. Or maybe she just liked ’em. Never did climb out even after she figured out how to take the sack off and definitely wore it once we switched to a big kid bed at 3.5. Whatever it was, though I agree–yay sleep sacks.


  4. Yeah mine could walk down the hall in hers after climbing out the cot ninja style – she is going to be amazing at the sack race!

    I liked them for their faeces containing properties personally.


    • Sack racing is a useful skill to have. I am crossing my fingers, eyes and toes, touching wood and sayng jinx as I type this but we haven’t actually trialed the fecal containment yet…but now I’ve said it that will probably be tomorrow morning’s joy.


  5. Ha this just made me laugh! I used to love how cute mine looked in their sleeping bags, one of mine once managed to climb out of his cot whilst still wearing one though?!! I still haven’t figured that one out, but he’s the same child who tried to jump out of a first floor window aged 16 months….I honestly didn’t do anything to make him want to escape so badly!!

    Stevie x #brilliantblogposts


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