Reasons the Baby is Crying

It’s been one of those teething/wonder weeks/I feel like being an absolute butt-hole days for the Baby.

Here’s a rundown of why he was so upset today.

1. The Mummies took too long to get him out of bed this morning. Five whole minutes is completely unacceptable, even if it is 5.25am and he usually gets up at 6.30.

2.  He did not want to drink milk first thing. He wanted it 7 minutes after it was first offered. The stupid Mama couldn’t figure that out.

baby crying arms up

3. He didn’t want to sit in the highchair and eat mango. He hates mango. Actually, no, he loves mango. Why isn’t there more mango?!

4. He doesn’t want to play in his walker.

5. He doesn’t want to get out of his walker.

6. He hasn’t figured out how to pass through inanimate objects on his walker.

7. He doesn’t want to bite any of the 12 toys being offered to him, even the four that are designed for teething.

baby crying facedown

8. The Mama wont let him bite her.

9. The Mama wont let him bite her.

10. The Mama wont let him bite her.

11. The Mummy is cooking lunch.

12. He doesn’t want to eat fish. He wants to feed the Dog.

13. The Mama wont let him feed the dog.

14. The Mama put him down to go and clean up his crying induced vomit pile.

15. The Mummy wont let him suck on the Dog’s feet.

baby crying hands

16. He wants to poop but cant.

17. He pooped but he doesn’t want to be changed.

18. The Mama wont let him bite her.

19. The Mama wont read him ‘The Very Effing Hungry Caterpillar’ for the 6th time in 20 minutes.

20. It’s nap time but he doesn’t want to sleep.

mama crying

What crappy reasons does your kid have for crying today?


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Everything Mummy


13 thoughts on “Reasons the Baby is Crying

    • Putting aside my wife’s Asian ways regarding feet and the general grossness, the Dog pees on her long haired feet every day. Other than that it’s totally fine 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  1. I love your blog, I read your posts by email and am often too lazy to click the link to visit the site and leave some love. Here’s me making amends! Keep up the good work – the short format and pictures are a winner!


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