To home-school or not to home-school…

A friend recently asked us if we were going to home-school. Without missing a beat, these were our responses.


So I guess that’s safely a ‘no’.

Don’t get me wrong, I’ve got nothing against home-schooling parents. In fact I hold them in the highest regards. It’s just that I know I’m not cut out for it.

Yes, I’m a teacher. Yes, I love kids. Yes, I even love my own kid. But the thought of having him at home all day every day makes me want to run screaming from the house, leaving a Mama-shaped, large and saggy breasted hole in every object I encounter during my flight.

This may or may not be influenced by our current participation in the week of ‘whining and crying for no apparent reason’. I also have no doubt that I will be sniffing back the tears when I go to drop off the little tyke for his first day of nursery. But I’m pretty sure the Mummy and I will be smiling when we clink our coffee mugs together that afternoon and put our feet up.

Are you going to home-school? Would you if you could? Why or why not?

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Let's Talk Mommy

30 thoughts on “To home-school or not to home-school…

  1. I have briefly considered home-schooling, but I don’t think I could manage. I don’t have enough time to do my work from home and if I had to plan and run lessons on top of that (!!!).
    I think going to school is important to help children learn to socialise and negotiate their position in a group, home schooling does not offer that at any level.


  2. With school decisions announced yesterday we were up and down with homeschooling. We weren’t going to unless we didn’t get our first two choices then it would have come down to it I think. It’s a hard decision to make. Thank you ever so much for linking up to Share With Me #sharewithme

    Liked by 1 person

  3. No and no!! I do like the idea of it but not the reality. I mean, I couldn’t anyway because I have to work. There is issue number one! Issue number two is that I know I couldn’t do as good a job as teachers. Issue number three would be the worry of separating me from teacher and mummy. Yes, it would be great to be able to just pop to the museum on a Wednesday and teach him all things history (or whatever!) but, that’s what weekends are for! I do feel that generally I want to be known as mummy…not the boring teacher who forces him to do school work!! thanks so much for linking up with #twinklytuesday


  4. Why take away the job of a perfectly qualified professional? I know a lot but I don’t know everything and I don’t have loads of patience either. I also need to have a life outside my gorgeous daughter… And so does she…so, it’s a no from me on the home schooling front! #sharewithme


  5. It’s not a common thing we deal with where I live and people are more likely to think you strange for homeschooling. It would be a bit like ‘why are you doing that when there’s a perfectly good school at the end of the road?’ I love my children dearly, but I have enough of a problem dealing with them doing homework every week, which can end in screaming matches, crying and tantrums (and that’s just me). No, I’m with you, it’s wouldn’t be for me at all.


  6. Just saying “hi”, and that I love your blog! Also, I just had to laugh out loud because with some of the solid foods we’ve been feeding our kid, I’m not sure I can say the same about the rainbows.


  7. the jury is out here- I think it depends on the quality of the education I feel they’re getting, realistically it is going to come down to money. I also fear they might not socialise well if they don’t go to nursery! I fear the weird private twin lingo etc etc!


  8. hmm… I lean the other way (does that make me odd) I wish I had the time to home school my little one, but then i dislike the way school has changed her in some ways (oh and the fact that there is not enough time at school for her to learn all she needs so is given homework at 5 but yet watches films like Hop while there, because there is educational Easter value in that film right?)


    • Good points, well made. Doesn’t make you odd at all. As I teacher, I don’t agree with homework other than reading. I think either kids can do it- in which case, what’s the point? Or parents have to do it/teach them and mostly parent are not teachers so would probably not teach them as well. I feel quite strongly about it and I’m not sure how I will deal with it when my tot is of age. I’d be tempted to have a word with the teacher and withdraw him from the whole process but we’ll see. In what ways has school changed her? Do you think that any interaction with other kids (playdates, clubs etc) would affect her or only school?


  9. No freaking way! There’s still about a year and a half to go but we already know which school he’ll be going to! 😛


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