Another Sensory Play Fail

The Baby is bored. What to do? I know, let’s crack out the sensory, rainbow rice! The Baby stops crying and crawls over for a better look. He plunges his chunky fingers in and giggles, flapping his arms and chucking rice 2 meters in every direction. Then… baby sensory rice. my kid doesnt poop rainbows

Mama: Ah ah, no no. That’s not for eating.

Play continues. The Baby dumps more on the floor. Throws more around, then…

baby sensory rice. my kid doesnt poop rainbows

Mama: Baby, no. Not for eating.

baby sensory rice. my kid doesnt poop rainbows

Mama: No no. Look at this! Can you dig with the spoon?

baby sensory rice. my kid doesnt poop rainbows

Mama: Baby, listen. What a nice noise! Drop it, don’t eat it.

baby sensory rice. my kid doesnt poop rainbows

Mama: Whatever, kid. Fill your boots. I guess you will poop rainbows after all.

Have you had any joy with sensory play?

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32 thoughts on “Another Sensory Play Fail

    • It’s just rebranding. I’m sure you’re kid had some messy fun at times, which is the same thing. Thanks for stopping by and thanks for hosting.


  1. Oh it’s so hard stopping them from eating it! I barely ever done sensory play at home because I couldn’t deal with it – especially since it took a lot of effort for a very short space of time! I did take him to baby sensory classes though so he got some fun there! Although he (nor I) was keen on the jelly session! Thanks so much for linking up with #TwinklyTuesday


  2. #TwinklyTuesday
    Like Lianne, I have never tried sensory play with any of my three children. From what I’ve read here, I think I’ll give it a miss. There is more than enough mess here already šŸ™‚
    Your sketches are so funny.


  3. I’ve only just let A play with rice at 14 months and yes he did still eat some! We’ve had sequin, sparkly poo here as well as rice though! šŸ™‚ xx


  4. I used to have the same problem with my little boy when he was younger but with play dough! I’m a great lover of Pinterest, but sometimes these sensory ideas are just a mess waiting for happen that I can’t cope with! Good on you for trying it in the first place!
    Found your blog via mumma scribbles link up. Love your drawings!


    • Nothing shameful about it. It is 300% messy and stressful. The teacher in me can’t seem to help herself with mess. I am also deeply attracted to glitter, also known as the substance of mother’s nightmares.


  5. Oh dear holy old cheezits, yes. That’s why I went w/rice krispies, instead of actual rice. Actual raw rice can puncture a baby’s (I think new born, though) windpipe, choking hazard, etc. I’ m way too paranoid for that, so I do sensory stuff on edible food, blah blah blah.

    Yep. 6 kids, and STILL that paranoid. Imagine if I’d stopped at one. I’d be in a ward by now. I was a freaking wreck with my first.


    • Um…so that’s mildly terrifying. A new paranoia to add to my list, thanks ;-). Surprisingly I am not too bad, worry wise. I am quite anxious as a person but the Mummy keeps me grounded.


    • Your cat is lucky to still have toys. Our poor dog’s toys have all been hidden because we just couldn’t deal with the ick factor. Clearly animal toys are much more fun than baby toys. I’d buy them for him if I didn’t fear the judgment of visitors.

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