How the Baby came to be (baby friendly version)

Once upon a time Mama and Mummy met and fell in love.

mummy and mama in love

They got married and after a while the Mummy thought something was missing.

mama want baby

To make a baby you need sperm from a man and an egg from a woman. Mummy and Mama couldn’t make a baby by themselves.

mummy and mama sad

Happily they found a nice doctor who wanted to be a donor and help people have families. He sent them some sperm all the way from Europe.

the donor

Mummy and Mama went to see another doctor in Thailand. That doctor took the sperm from the donor and an egg from Mama and put them together. The sperm and egg joined and began to change into an embryo which would later become a baby.


The doctor then took the embryo and put it inside Mama’s uterus. There it began to change and grow into a baby.

mama pregnant and mummy

Mama’s tummy grew really big while the baby grew inside her for 9 months. When he was ready he came out of Mama’s vagina and the Baby was born.

Check back tomorrow for the adult version of this story 😉

Ever wondered how different it might be raising a baby in Thailand? Head over to The Mommy Rundown where I’m guest posting today and find out.

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26 thoughts on “How the Baby came to be (baby friendly version)

  1. I’m going to have to come back for the adult version. What a great way to explain. My one daughter was conceived through in vitro and it’s a difficult concept to explain when they are still young. You did it very well.


    • Thanks. Yes, go for it if it helps. I was wondering how we’d explain to the Baby so I wrote this. I wanted try not to make it into a huge thing but still cover the basics. I find it easier to deal with tough stuff if I get it down on paper- it helps me clarify my ideas.


  2. I want to read the adult version!
    Your way sounds a whole lot more civilised than the way I got my baby I can tell you that much!
    Roll on tomorrow for the adult version


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