Baby Swimming

The Baby likes the water, which is a relief as when the temperature hits the 30 oC with 100% humidity, the pool is the only outdoor venue you’ll find me in.

We have been taking the Baby swimming for months, at least once or twice a week. Recently he’s really been getting confident.

baby splash swimming


In the bath, paddling pool or when we sneak into my school pool at the weekends, he splashes and kicks, giggling. If his goal is to get the mummies drenched he achieves it.

baby kick swim


But when we take him to his (ridiculously expensive 14 GBP a 30 min class) swimming lessons, does he show off his splashing skills? Does he kick his legs when asked? Does he lie down on this back? Does he heck.

shy swimming baby


Every. Flipping. Lesson.



Do you take your kids to baby classes?  Which ones? Do you think they’re worth it?

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Mami 2 Five

33 thoughts on “Baby Swimming

  1. I’ve never taken mine to baby swim, but my daughter went to swim school last year. 🙂 She loved it. Thinking of getting her back in this year for next season. 🙂 It just has to be in a weekend and not at 8AM in the morning on a Saturday. :p


    • Very typical. Little stinker. Yes, it’s crazy. But today we got a video of him ‘swimming’ under water and I felt validated again. *sigh*


  2. Ha ha why won’t they perform on cue?? We did swim lessons at 6 months and take her (now 2) nearly every week – she kind of swims now but mainly bobs, splashes and gets dunked 🙂 awesome illustrations once more! Mim x #sundaystars


    • I know! We spend half of our time trying to recreate things on camera he was doing non-stop 5 minutes before. Our long distance grandparents may think we just make stuff up!

      Liked by 1 person

  3. We took them all the time while we had a pool downstairs.,.. And since we moved to prague? 0 times. Big. Fat. Zero. I have no idea what would happen if we took them again!


  4. Haha, flipping kids! We really need to take A swimming more, I know how important it is but as someone who rarely swims myself, I never seem to get round to it! #sundaystars


  5. Ohh my goodness those lessons are so expensve. I did baby swim classes with my son but not with my daughters (as they are twins and it was too tricky with a toddler too). The girls are now the better swimmers though, so in our case it made no odds having classes so young. Mich x


  6. Aw bless, always the way. We don’t do swimming lessons, I see no value in lessons really young other than to get them water confident. What better way to get them water confident than to swim together as a family?xx


    • True. And much cheaper. We weren’t sure about what we should do in the pool with him and we have learned a lot. Still not sure it;s worth the cash though.


    • Wow, that’s a really big range. There is only one company doing it here so they can charge what they want, I guess. The price we’re paying would be a lot in the UK but here it Thailand it is ridiculous.


  7. We had the same issue with lessons! I think dunking them under what scared him off though! We haven’t been as much since baby number 2 arrived, but when we do go they both love it! 🙂 Xx


  8. If it’s the same “ridiculously expensive” class we go to every week then I FEEL YOUR PAIN! I always end up getting there early and so take him in the pool myself for 10 minutes before the lesson starts and he’s quite happy to splash and kick around then. But give him a woggle in the class and all he wants to do is smack people with it, or bite on whatever toy they’re trying to chase around. So annoying that he will do tiger arms in the bath and soak my walls, but in the class.. forget it! #bigfatlinky x


  9. We have only taken our 20 month old swimming a few times and luckily she loves it! I never thought it was worth it as a baby but my nct friends all went and I think still do! If you have fun with it why not? Love the pics xx #bigfatlinky


  10. Aw he’s shy in front of an audience. This reminds me, I have to sign up for the ridiculously expensive class before the next session fills up!


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