I am the mum who…

Thanks, Dawn over at Pennies Add Up for the tag.


I am the mum who….

  • Often forgets the scheduled milk times and can never remember when the last bottle was.
  • Thought the cot was taller than it actually was and dropped her 3 month old the last few inches.
  • Swore she wouldn’t show her child cartoons until he was at least 2 and now doesn’t get in the car without the animated nursery rhymes video.
  • Ate cake twice a day, on average, when pregnant.leftover cake
  • Is still useless at changing nappies 9 months in and is the cause of most ‘poonami’ incidents.
  • Has to put herself on a time out once or twice a month when she feels she is starting to lose it.
  • Has dusted toys off after they’ve fallen on the floor and returned them to the Baby to be drooled on.
  • Has allowed the Baby to feed the dog more of his dinner than he ate himself.
  • Has hidden The Very Hungry Caterpillar when she couldn’t face reading it a sixth time.what book
  • Is hoarding all of the Baby’s clothes for the next kid, whether they are a boy or not.
  • Was asked by her wife today if her period was due because she was being a miserable so and so (disclaimer: it is).

I’d like to tag my good friend Roxxroxx over at Becoming Twin Mummies and new friends Morna at Awesome Austerity and Little Rainbow Bug. No pressure if you don’t fancy it, ladies x


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38 thoughts on “I am the mum who…

  1. Haha, dropping your baby in the cot really made me laugh (it probably shouldn’t have)! I did the picking up a dusty toy thing many times – it is one of those things that you think you won’t do before you become a mother isn’t it? Your pictures are great! xx #TwinklyTuesday


    • Thanks! I felt so awful, but he didn’t even cry so I guess it was OK. I was so judgy before. Have you seek the show ‘One born every minute?’ In the opening credits there was a guy who was taking a pic of his newborn and dropped his phone on them. I used to wet myself with judgy-laughter every time. Now I totally get it.


  2. You’re not the only one to do the first one. Herself and I often have discussions about when last bottle was, and is she due one.


  3. I like this post, such fun. I am the mum who does many of thise things too and I laughed at going on time-out, yes I need it! Mich x


  4. Oh have just seen this- thanks for the tag!! Yay! I’m still eating cake twice a day now- pretty sure I’m not pregnant although you may not be able to tell from the size of my belly!


    • Haha! I may also be sporting a bit of a food baby at the moment. My wife put herself on a bit of diet and then brought me home a big bag on mini doughnuts. I mean, it’s not like I could waste them!


  5. Brilliant post!! Love this style of post so great for us to embrace all these things we do to help us get by!! I too swore no tv until much older now it’s used a lot more than I like to admit. Thanks for linking up #MummyMonday x


  6. Great list. You know if never considered book hiding to avoid the twentyth reading and encourage the oldest one to try something new. Im not sure the list was designed to pass on advice… But it’s not a bad idea!


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