How to Entertain a Baby

If you’re anything like me some days can be loooong. I find it tough to keep the Baby occupied sometimes. Here are some ideas to help you entertain your baby.

Give him food. Don’t misunderstand me, give him food but don’t expect him to actually eat it. If you harbour ideas about him consuming the nutritionally balanced, organic, gluten-free, sugar-free, salt-free delicacy you have lovingly prepared, dismiss them. That way madness lies, my friend. The process of not eating will keep him busy for at least 20 minutes.

messy food

Give him something questionable to play with. As I’m sure you’ve realized, appropriate toys are not fun, at least not for long. However something he’s probably not supposed to have but that is not outright dangerous will keep him occupied for ages.

Teach him something inappropriate. Showing him how to do something which will drive you batty in the long term is a surefire way to keep him happy and busy. Stair climbing and hitting pans with wooden spoons are prime examples.

Do messy play. Don’t worry if your tot loses interest in the rice it took you hours to colour within a few minutes. Just make a move to tidy it up and he’ll come rushing back to untidy it again.

tidy up

Play with blocks. I am yet to meet a kid who doesn’t take a sadistic pleasure in knocking down their parents painstakingly built block tower.

Really enjoy something. Show a deep interest or love of something and your baby will enthusiastically take that item from you.

Go swimming. More time will be spent getting to the pool, wrestling yourself and your baby into your swim gear, showering and changing back again than will be spent in the pool (x5) but it’s a definite time killer.

Get a pet. Hours of fun watching a pet misbehave and trying to eat/maul a pet. The Baby will sit nicely to watch the Dog mess about even in his whiniest moments. More entertaining that even the TV.

There you go. Go forth and entertain, parents!


What do you do to keep your baby busy?

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16 thoughts on “How to Entertain a Baby

  1. Hehe excellent advice! I love the questionable toys we have lots of ‘not toys’ here! Food is a great distraction too!


    • ‘Not toys’ are way better than actual toys…and cheaper. I don’t know why we bother with expensive plastic, musical stuff when his favourite thing to play with is a spoon.


  2. Hilarious and oh so true!! Especially the swimming one – what a sodding chore that is! Getting everyone ready at the end of the swimming session is even worse!
    As for the blocks, we have a fantastic video of Zach when he was about ten months old of us building them up really fast, him smashing them down even faster and laughing hysterically! It’s definitely a winner! Repetitive but a winner!! Thanks so much for linking up with #TwinklyTuesday


    • Haha, yes. Our end of swimming is only bearable because there are always two of us. Wouldn’t fancy it alone.
      The blocks thing is funny but then I started to worry I’d created a monster for kindergarten class and there were going to be severally little, cute kiddos sobbing their hearts out because my tot had charged over and sadistically knocked down their towers….

      Liked by 1 person

  3. LOL i’m still laughing about giving baby something questionable to play with. That is sooo true. They love to get their hands on something they aren’t meant to have. The stare in amazement and go totally silent as they pass it back and forth between their little hands. Such a fun post as usual! #TwinklyTuesday


    • Ah yes, the silent ‘is-this-seriously-in-my-possession-right-now?’ hand pass. One of my favorites. That’s usually the point where I pretend I haven’t noticed what he’s got to buy a few more seconds peace, when really the minute he went quiet my mama’s alarm went off.
      Thank you 🙂


  4. Haha I think I’m mastering all of these, although baby has now taken to throwing food on the floor for the dog which limits how long the entertainment of an uneaten snack can last. She also likes it if I lie on the floor so she can poke my face for 5 minutes.


    • Everything our tot gets his hands on goes straight in his mouth. I’m not sure baby slobber is covered under our phone’s guarantee so we’ll be avoiding that one for a while. Definitely utilizing it when he’s older though.


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