Something Which Strikes Dread Into a Parent’s Heart

I glanced over at the empty space opposite my house a while ago and saw something which made my stomach drop and churn. An absolute nightmare for the parent of any baby. Something which would plague me for months to come…


Well OK, so this is Thailand. What I actually saw was a bunch of guys in shorts, flip flops, balaclavas and t-shirts with some busted up tools and equipment. I don’t think hard hats, tool belts and high visibility jackets are exactly compulsory here.

Ahem.  Anyway my suspicions were correct. Our neighbors are building another house in their expansive garden. The horror!

The workers arrive just in time to start the noisiest equipment 10 minutes into the baby’s morning nap. They then take an extended lunch break, wait until he’s just fallen asleep in the afternoon and then start drilling. @)$%^ @#$#%^) @#@#$%^*(&.

The only thing allowing me to hang precariously onto my sanity is the fact that they pack it in for the day at 5pm and don’t work weekends.

So now we get to hold the squalling baby after his 20 minute nap and watch the very slow progress of the building site outside his window. Fun times.

*sighs and cracks open another beer*

If you like this could you be an absolute darling and nominate me for the MADS in the ‘Baby Blogs’ section? All you need is your email address and Takes about 1 minute. Gracias, วิธีสมัครเว็บ, merci, danke, and cheers m’duck!


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13 thoughts on “Something Which Strikes Dread Into a Parent’s Heart

  1. I thought it was bad when my neighbor started working on his race cars right up next to my house. Indefinite construction would be awful, especially when it interrupts two nap times!


  2. I’d almost consider moving. Naptime is too sacred. I’ve learned to keep my tot awake until AFTER the garbage truck comes beeping through the alleyway in the rear of my house, and I thought THAT was incredibly annoying. Godspeed to you and your little one, I feel very exhausted on your behalf.


  3. Oh that sux! I get pissed off if the guy over the road starts up his car when my kid is napping. This is 100 times worse.

    Just drink lots of beer and the pain will disappear.


    • Suck it does. Haha, yes, tonight I’m opting for a vodka but to the same end. Doesn’t help the sleepy, grumpy baby but I’m feeling a lot better already


  4. I can imagine this is sooooo annoying!!Hard enough getting them to sleep as it is!I remember when mine were really little ,daydreaming about the icecream man sticking his blooming chiming where the sun doesn’t shine!Hope it doesn’t go on too long!


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