And I thought I used to know nothing about babies…

Today the Baby and I had a trip out into the real world and I came to two conclusions: People are so sweet to babies and being sweet doesn’t necessarily mean you know anything about babies.

I had half an hour or normal shopping, wearing a sleeping Baby on my back and having most people ignore me thinking I was just wearing a regular backpack. Then, just as I ordered a coffee (of course) he woke up. Then I was treated to smiles and conversations from suddenly friendly strangers for the rest of the trip.

here's some sugar
Thanks to the well-meaning man who tried to give my baby a bottle of sugar. The thought was nice but I think we’ll stick to water and milk for the moment. Also if you hear a mother repeating ‘Doesn’t want, thanks’ in your language over and over, please heed her. Even if the Baby is reaching out with a look in his eye like he really really wants it.

one month

And the gent in the lift who thought I pushed that 8 kg baby out of my vagina a month ago, no. Thank all that is good, I did not. He did enough damage at 4 kg almost 10 months ago.

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32 thoughts on “And I thought I used to know nothing about babies…

  1. Great post. It’s funny how people suddenly fall into being complete idiots with what they say an do. You’d think 6 years down the line id know better and sadly I don’t. I am one of those idiots who do silly things like this even though I know how wrong it is. :/
    I know babies far too well bit I think social interactions lead you to believe that you need to interact and from that stupidity come. Thanks for linking up with us on the #bigfatlinky hope to see you there this week


    • Yes. My social stupidities are usually amplified by a loose grasp of the language I’m communicating in. Especially Thai, the language in which the phrases ‘take off your t-shirt’ and ‘deep fry your t-shirt’ are the same words with a different tone.
      Thanks for hosting. See you next week!


    • Right! I think our baby is so used to it now he just gets p-ed off if people don’t chat to him, ‘Eh?! Where’s my attention!!’


    • Honestly I wince and hit a mental, vaginally-induced block when I get close to thinking about it. I’m pretty sure no one in possession of a vagina would ever make this mistake.


    • Right! The guy with the pop had a young son with him too. I wonder if his own kid was swigging fizz before he could walk.

      Thanks for hosting.


  2. Waiters have been asking us since he was 5-6 months if we want a children’s menu for him. No thank you, I don’t think he is ready for pizza or chicken fingers.


    • Certainly I didn’t know a lot, but I like to think I wouldn’t try to give someone’s baby a soda or mistake a 10 month old for a newborn.


  3. LOL an attendant in the supermarket recently tried to give my not even 2 year old daughter a bag of Peppa Pig sweets when she was screaming. Good diversion tactic but LIKE THAT’S WHAT SHE REALLY NEEDS! #bigfatlinky


  4. Oh dear I take things so literally. I thought you meant an actual bottle of sugar- I was thinking ‘is that some sort of weird Thai thing?’ Irn-bru in a bottle is a common sight round here!!


    • Ha! All the more for you then. We’re seeing Grandma for the first time in 6 months this summer. I have no doubt her handbag is going to be full of milky bars and other forbidden bribes.

      Liked by 1 person

    • Haha! Baby’s first food, perfect. It’s cool if you have no clue about babies but maybe check with the parent first before you try to give them something?


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