
Something is happening to the Baby. I’m not thrilled about it.

Our sweet, smiling boy is slowly morphing into someone else entirely. Someone who spends large portions of his day absolutely effing furious.


Reaching things, objects which wont be manipulated in the way that he wants, mummies who leave the room, nap times, meal times, getting his nappy changed. Anything and everything sees his totally lose his sh#$ in a spectacular manner.

Often it’s out of the blue. We are frequently being our hilarious selves, enjoying his giggles and then out of left field he is raging on the floor, stampy feet and everything.

My parents got to witness a small taste of this over Skype. They showed their support through smirks and sarcastic mutterings of my ‘placid’ nature as a child. Try not to enjoy my discomfort too much, Granny and Grandpa, you guys are babysitting him in a few short months.

But it’s OK because for the last two days I have been in a rare mood where it all seems a little hilarious. Possible because tonight is going to involve this…


Tomorrow might see me in a different mood though. Someone please tell me this a phase that he will (quickly) grow out of.

If you like this could you be an absolute darling and nominate me for the MADS in the ‘Baby Blogs’ section? All you need is your email address and http://pooprainbows.com. Takes about 1 minute. Gracias, วิธีสมัครเว็บ, merci, danke, and cheers m’duck!

Tots100 MAD Blog Awards
Stopping at two

20 thoughts on “Fury

  1. My son went through a horrible stage around 1. I always said he was going through the terrible 2’s early, and you know what, I think I was right! Lamb is now 2 and he’s so much easier than he was last year! He will obviously have the odd tantrum in Aldi, what child doesn’t? But he is easily manageable and will calm down pretty quickly. Tis is my fave age by far!! xx #SundayStars


    • Oooh, that would be good. At least if he gets grumpy now he’s smaller and less strong than a two year old. I’d much rather deal with a trantruming* 10 month old!
      *why is that not a word??


    • Wine helps everything.
      I have moments like this myself. After a lot of training I have learned to step back, take a deep breath and holler for the Mummy to come and help.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Darwin goes through that right before she hits major developmental milestones. Usually lasts anywhere from a couple days to a couple weeks. Upsetting her schedule (I use that word loosely) can also precipitate this kind of event. Good luck!


    • He is going through one of those Wonder Week leaps, apparently. OK, I’m going to hold onto that thought like it’s a life raft in storm and cross my fingers it’ll only be a couple of weeks. Thanks!

      Liked by 1 person

  3. They go through a stage where what they want to do isn’t matched by what they can do – which is frustrating! So they tell you about it … However, knowing that doesn’t always make it easier to cope with! It will pass …

    I love the drawings btw!


    • Haha! Well, at least if there’s an explanation you can hope that it’s a phase of grumpiness, not just his emerging personality.
      Thanks, Mrs Tubbs!


  4. He’s getting frustrated because his mind know what he wants, but he can’t tell you. I found teaching her some rudimentary signs for things was very helpful. It looked a little funny when she was pantomiming shaking a bottle, (think about it), but it was great for knowing she was hungry when she couldn’t tell us


    • I just snorted into my tea and made a mess, thanks. Sure, why teach the accepted baby sign language when you can make your own, much more amusing signs!


    • Orana, what kind of craziness goes on in your house of an evening? No, unless my mummy friends played a really mean trick on me I’m pretty sure it was wine.


  5. This definitely made me smile! Unfortunately, I’m going through the same thing with my 6 year old. Talk about a short fuse out of left field.. I’m right there with you, lol.


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