My wife may never leave me alone with the baby again.

The Mummy nipped to the shops alone for two hours and returned to this,

baby fat lip

I am pretty sure she doesn’t believe my explanation and thinks I wasn’t watching him closely enough and could have prevented him getting hurt.

But I did watch him. I watched him spot me from across the room, shriek with laughter and start racing towards me with his soldier crawl. I watched him somehow get his arm stuck under his chest. I watching him face-plant with a speed and force which had me wincing before he even started screaming.

Sure, it did take me a few minutes to realize he was bleeding. It was only when, after carrying him and bouncing him, I noticed his cheek was a funny colour. And so was his blanket. That was when I saw his lip getting fatter right before my eyes.

But I was watching him. Seriously who could predict their kid would nose dive into the tiles with their belly on the floor?!

Other than that I coped admirably in my wife’s absence….




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29 thoughts on “My wife may never leave me alone with the baby again.

  1. Oh no!!! I remember the one time I left the gate open by the one step that led to the kitchen – I just though Zach was so aware that the step was there and I was making tea while a friend was in the front room. I heard him running down the hallway and then suddenly THUMP! He’d tripped over the bloody gate, face first down the step and bit his mouth upon landing. A lot of blood comes out of the mouth, believe you me!! I felt horrendous! He’s hurt himself several times since though and it never feels easier! Thanks for linking up with #TwinklyTuesday


    • Ouch. At the moment our kid looks like a dot-to-dot between all the bruises and the mosquito which feasted on him the other day. People must be horrified when we’re out and about.
      Thanks for hosting.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Haha, your blog is always one that gives me a laugh (even if it is at your childs expense this time, sorry), We’ve all “damaged” our kids at one point and suffered the guilt 🙂


  3. this is going to happen more times than you’d like. My kid hasn’t met a wall yet she hasn’t introduced herself to by walking straight into


  4. It’s crazy how they can hurt themselves whilst not really moving at all! Boo liked to crawl in to things, I am wondering if we shouldn’t just carpet with bubblewrap!


    • Yes, it is fairly spectacular. Carpet with bubble wrap sounds good but we’d have to take it one step further and also cover the walls, furniture, toys and dog to be really safe.


  5. We had a similar fat lip incident involving one of those hideous £1 Peppa Pig rides in a shopping centre. The Tot was climbing in and before I knew it she had face planted on the dirty floor. We had to rush to Boots for some on the go first aid supplies. Thank Peppa for being so alluring! #mummymondays


    • One pound for kids to be shoogled around looking bored. I never rode on one as a kid. Oddly they were always ‘broken’. Thankfully they don’t really have them here so we should avoid that particular horror.


    • There were a few pointed questions but I was forgiven. I didn’t feel bad this time. Nothing I could have done…not like the time I smacked his head while carrying him through a door frame.


  6. Hahahaha I went out for an hour on Saturday and when I came home little man had a bump. I wasn’t in the door before daddy was all in my face explaining and confirming he was under full supervision ‘it just happened’ he says. But my little fella is a disaster he ducks, dives, jumps etc. etc. he’s dangerous lol.


    • Yeah, he’s alright. Just another purple spot to add to the collection. At some point we want to get nice photos done but at this rate it will have to be photoshopped up the wazoo to hide all his bumps.


  7. Hahaha, loved the detailed description. My daughter decided, in a fit of hyperactive glory, to have an encounter with the steel door at work last week. As I’m rushing into work with her – she’s flailing & screaming that it’s mysteriously all my fault that she smacked into the door, there’s blood streaming from her nose, she’s wiping it all over her dress, & I have no other clothes packed for school on this day. But, we got the bleeding to stop, cleaned the dress, calmed down, sent her off to school with a smile & kiss, & all was right with the world again. Granted, I just told my mom the other day that I don’t know how she’s never broken her nose with as many times as she’s busted it from running into things! I feel your pain, lol.


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