My Baby is an Animal

Seriously. Take a closer look, yours might be too.

Walking sideways along furniture. Pinching and nipping people. Tendency to go red when annoyed…



Crawls along the floor on his belly. Leaves a trail of slobber, vomit, partly chewed food behind him. Not allowed salt….



Big eyes. Ridiculously cute. Hasn’t quite grown into all his features yet. Bites people and furniture. Not toilet trained. Difficult to stay mad at….



Cheeky, naughty and often does what he is explicitly told not to. Attempts to do horrible things during nappy changes….


Does your child resemble an animal?

Have you nominated anyone for the MADS awards yet? I’d love your vote under the Baby section. You just need your email address and my webpage address. Takes two minutes and gives me a warm glowy feeling. Thank you!

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21 thoughts on “My Baby is an Animal

  1. Haha brilliant!! I just love your pictures every time! And yes, I would agree with you – except the crawling thing – although he’s like a cheetah, runs so blinking fast!! Thanks so much for linking up with #TwinklyTuesday


    • Yes, ours can be a bit speedy. Perhaps more like Turbo than a cheetah as he still hasn’t figured out hands and knees crawling is faster than soldier crawling.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. I always enjoy visiting your blog. Such a fab idea and I love the “child” as an animal lol. If I had to draw one, my child would be a she is always jumping around everywhere lol.

    Angela x

    Angela recently posted, “Helping children develop writing skills through play”


    • Haha! Yes, I’ve met a few hoppy kids in my time. Does/did she use her nappy as a pouch? I think we could get a fun post out of ‘The weirdest thing I found in my child’s nappy/underwear’.


  3. I had this exact thought yesterday as I was trying to wrangling my son into a pair of pants – it’s like he’s a slippery little piglet who’s never had clothes on him before! The squealing! The grunting! The kicking of the legs so at any given time one leg is outside of the pant leg! #twinklytuesday


    • Haha, I love the fly one. I hope he’s not as attracted to poop as my tot seems to be. Honestly the biggest challenge during nappy changes at the moment is keeping his hands and feet away from the business end of things. Ick.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Before I had my son, one of the things that used to freak me out a lot was how kids like to play with their s**t. I was terrified of this happening. But I am so lucky…..he is 2 1/2 and still hasn’t played with it. Hands down the front part on the other hand – all the freaking time!


        • Haha! Yes, our lad is prone to a little exploration in that area too. The problem is he realizes he has access during a nappy change and goes grabbing his poopy penis. Not nice.

          Liked by 1 person

  4. This is brilliant! I love your drawings! You need to make cards etc. I think my Evie would be a lion. She charges around, thinks that she’s king of our land & she definitely growls a lot if she doesn’t get her own way. She also has away of jumping on her bear to cuddle, unlike a lion taking down a gazelle.



    • Hahahahaha! That’s fantastic, Chloe! My tot also mauls teddies, the dog and his mummies.
      Oooh cards…now there’s an idea….


  5. This is brilliant! I love your drawings! You need to make cards etc. I think my Evie would be a lion. She charges around, thinks that she’s king of our land & she definitely growls a lot if she doesn’t get her own way. She also has away of jumping on her bear to cuddle, unlike a lion taking down a gazelle.



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