The Cost of Making Memories

Purple fabric dye: $2

Another purple fabric dye when the first doesn’t work: $1

Fabric paint $1

Four pairs of socks: $2

A t-shirt for when the cruddy socks don’t dye: free

A stained onesie: free

Four big plastic bottles: free

Metallic spray paint: $2

Four meters of ribbon: $2

Two pieces of black card: 50 cents

A needle and purple thread: 20 cents

Soft toy stuffing: free (found in cupboard, no idea where it came from)

Black shorts and t-shirts x2: free

Drinking straws: free

Goggles: free

Hours spent dyeing clothes, painting bottles, stuffing and sewing, painting clothes, sticking bottles together and making straps: too many to count.


Looking like a pillock but having fun at your first fancy dress party as a family: priceless.

fancy dress

PS. ‘Eight is a lot of legs, David’ which is why our little octopus has four. Clearly if you count his limbs plus the additional purple ones there are eight. It totally had nothing to do with the fact I couldn’t face trying to sew on eight. Honest.

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