I’m Going to be a Mean Mother

Dear Baby,

I think you’re already starting to realize this but I’ll tell you anyway. Sometimes I’m going to be a mean mother.



I am not going to let you play until you are so exhausted you don’t know whether to laugh, cry or have a meltdown.

I am not going to only let you eat Cheerios for breakfast, dinner and lunch.

I am not going to let you play with everything you want to, including but not limited to: my phone, wires, plug sockets, knives, chemicals, rat poison and my pubic hair.

I am not going to give you everything you want.

I am not going to pay attention to you first and foremost, above all else, 24/7 for the next 18+ years.

I am not going to let you dive off the sofa.

I am not going to let you play in the toilet or touch the Dog’s butt hole, however tempting they may be.

I am not going to give you the really good sugary stuff until you are (much) older.

I am not going to let you get away with not eating your vegetables all the time.

I am not going to let you rot your little brain with those unprecedentedly annoying, accented nursery rhymes, all the live long day.

I am not going to spring into action to comfort you immediately when things don’t go your way.

I am not going to let you stay up late and watch Game of Thrones with us.



I am not going to let you do these things not because I am sadistic and enjoy being mean (all the time) but because I am your mother and, unfortunately that means I sometimes have to be the mean one lest you turn out like Verruca Salt.

Don’t worry, your grandparents will more than make up for it.

Being a Mean Mum #sorrynotsorry

Voting for the MADS closes on the 27th at 5pm GMT,  I’d love your vote under the Baby section. You just need your email address and my webpage address. Takes two minutes and gives me a warm glowy feeling. Thank you!

Tots100 MAD Blog Awards


Let's Talk Mommy

41 thoughts on “I’m Going to be a Mean Mother

  1. I so agree, I like to think of it as – I have 32 more years experience so what I say goes! I don’t think it makes us mean, rather just a loving parent. Thanks for the post


  2. I love this and so true. We are not here to be there friends or sugar coat the world. There are going to be times they don’t like us and even think they hate us but it’s all for their best interests isn’t it? lol Thanks for linking up to Share With Me #sharewithme


  3. Thanks for this!!! Sometime, i feel so terrible when I have soda for dinner, but I make our 7 year old drink milk. “How come I can never have soda and you guys can?” “Because your teeth will rot and you want them when you’re older” “BUt how come you drink it?!” “Because noneya” “Noneya?” “Yeah, noneya business!”


  4. It is so true. So so true. They perceive us as mean but we do what is best for them. It doesn’t change my nine year old thinks I am mean at times. Frustrating when all I am doing is looking out for him. Wait till he is a Dad, that is what I quietly think to myself.


  5. Love this, this is definitely me. Especially when I first encountered my step-daughters. Neither parent were discipling them as they wanted to be the favourite, and I could just see the girls missing out and being confused, so I was like, ok, I’ll be the mean one. 4 years later we’re all great at disclipline and the girls are beautifully behaved, but I 100% agree with you. Also, I really believe (from what I’ve seen with our 4) is you need to be a bit stricter at first, then they soon learn, you mean what you say and you can get to the nicer parts quicker. They soon learn not to bother testing the boundaries haha xxx #sharewithme


  6. Haha I managed to stop my baby just as she was about to lick the toilet the other day. She cried. Looks like I’m going to be a mean mum to but I think that might be for the best! #TwinklyTuesday


    • It’s like those porcelain thrones are silently calling out to our tots: ‘Come! Touch me! Taste me! Play in my water!’ Not to mention the fact that I am no longer permitted to go to the bathroom unaccompanied.


  7. Oh I am often the mean mummy! In fact sometimes I call myself the mean mummy! Unfortunatley, if we were to let our children get away with everything they wanted to (and the stuff that other people let them get away with), we would have a terrible case of Lord of the Flies on our hands!! Thanks so much for linking up with #TwinklyTuesday


    • Yes, it wouldn’t be too much of a stretch to imagine my tot donning war paint and running around screaming in the nude….actually that might have happened last Monday. Thanks for hosting!


    • It’s OK, I’m filthy too. I thought it hurt when he pulled the hair on my head! No more sharing baths until I address the situation down below.


  8. lol that’s so true! We have to be mean to be good moms. The ice cream and banana drawing is fab! #TwinklyTuesday x


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