Sensory Play: When Will I Learn?

A couple of times a week I convince myself it’d be a good idea to do some sensory or messy play with the baby. Although my past attempts haven’t been wildly successful (here and here), I always convince myself this time will be different.

So I had a quick word with my ideas buddy, Google and found a recipe for baby safe paint. In true me fashion I then proceeded to ignore said recipe as it called for corn flour which I didn’t have and cooling down time with I didn’t have patience for. Water, regular flour and food coloring it is then!

I whipped up five different colors, glanced at our white living room tiles, then at the Mummy who was opening her mouth ready to knock some sense into me and decided it might be best to take this activity outside.

I grabbed some scrap paper and sellotaped a big ‘canvas’ down, brought out the paints, a fan to drive away the mosquitoes and blow the 40 degree air around us and the Baby.

The first thing he did was point out that I hadn’t used enough sellotape by ripping up half the canvas and shredding it. I tried to interest him in the paint by smearing some on the paper myself which elicited a minute or two of dubious poking. Then he made his first break for freedom.

baby painting

Undeterred I grabbed him, brought him back to the canvas and stuck more paint under his nose. A quick taste test confirmed that he didn’t really want any part in this activity and another bid to escape was had.

I grabbed him and stuck his feet in the paint, encouraging him to walk around on the paper. To this he pulled his new favorite floppy, arched back, toddler trick and slid to the floor complaining.

By this point the Baby was fairly covered in paint and had taken on the texture and attitude of a catfish which made trying to prevent him reaching the recently professionally cleaned, pristine car a tad more difficult. My back was killing me, the Mummy may have given herself lockjaw through trying not to say ‘I told you so’ and thus I decided to call it a day.

baby escaping

The whole Baby participation portion of the activity lasted a maximum of 7 minutes.

Will this deter me next time I’m feeling a little creative? Probably not.

Does my wife think I am clinically insane? Almost certainly.

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Friday Frolics

44 thoughts on “Sensory Play: When Will I Learn?

  1. Totally agree with the painting outside but I always wonder ….It is mean to just hose them down after?


  2. Oh bless you what an experience. hahaha Sounds like something would happen to me. Me and messy play never go together. lol My poor kids. Good for you for trying. Thanks for linking up to Share With Me. #sharewithme


  3. Pinterest has a lot to answer for! They make it all look so effortless, but the meme that says about making it with yourself with $95 worth of craft supplies instead of buying it for $5 is closer the truth! Better luck next time! Love your drawings! #sharewithme


  4. Haha I love it! I tried painting with my 10 month old the other week. Fail. Washing him clean again? Bigger fail. Better luck next time, I’m trying dyed spaghetti next week…!xx #BrilliantBlogPosts


    • Usually half the gear and no idea. Nothing like trying to do something complicated with substituted ingredients. Thanks for hosting!


  5. haha this had me laughing because I’m pretty certain we went through exactly the same thing when S was a baby! But we still try…because what else will you do all afternoon?! On rainy days? And when you can’t be bothered to venture outdoors?! Painting Amazon boxes always worked a treat here xx

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Remember, kids only want to play with the things they’re not supposed to get into. You should have said no. Then it would have been a hit.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Ah I so identify with this… Have crazy creative idea, toddler makes huge amounts of mess whilst being engaged in the activity for approximately 2.5 seconds, spend the next hour cleaning up whilst swearing never to do anything so ridiculous again, then seem to forget all this next time a crazy idea pops up and start all over again… *sigh* (it’s all good fun though, right?!?)


  8. Lol, you know what I have learned about sensory play… ? leave it to the nursery! 🙂 But they do have fun, even if just for a few seconds! 🙂


  9. I remember feeling exactly like this, so much hastle for a tiny amount of activity. They do love it though, no matter how much it seems otherwise.

    Huge congrats on being a MADs finalist 🙂


    • A bad mum? No way, more like a sensible mum! Honestly I’ve tried a bunch of different things and they’ve all been a complete waste of time. I’m just psychotic enough to keep trying.


  10. Haha this is great and I can totally relate. We had similar when we did edible finger painting..

    and then i decided to try cloud dough, in doors.. yep that was fun :-/ so much dough, so little dining room uncovered. #sharewithme


    • Haha. Yes. Similar story over here with rainbow rice. I knew it wasn’t a good idea before I started making it but I am a lesbian drawn to rainbows like a 4 year old girl drawn to pink.


  11. I’m just so glad that the whole ‘sensory play’ idea was not fashionable when my kids were little. Even this post sends my OCD into overdrive! Well done on giving it a go though and amusing us into the bargain 🙂


    • I’m a kindergarten teacher by trade so I’d probably be indulging my insanity even if it wasn’t the current buzz phrase. My poor wife struggles a bit, I think, OCD-wise. I feel like I haven’t had a really fun day unless I end up covered in paint, glitter, water or mud by the end of it.


  12. Ha ha! I had exactly the same experience the other day, except with regular paint. Which called itself washable, but totally wasn’t! You are more crafty than me, kudos! The sellotape on the floor trick didn’t work for me either 😉 x


    • I should have known. My baby hasn’t yet met a piece of paper he felt deserved to be shredded. Not so crafty, just not sure where to get baby safe paint here. I knew any paint would prove irresistible to the Baby and he’d have to give it a quick taste test.


  13. I always think it’s a great idea to do things like this, but then really regret it afterwards. I’m just not the crafty type. #sharewithme


  14. haha this is brilliant, I think it’s great that you keep trying. This sounds like when I make attempts, we bought a tuff spot with the intention of doing more things like this, but I’ve not quite taken the plunge. So funny, great post #sharewithme


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