First Impressions of the Baby

One of the great things about being in Bangkok is that we are many people’s stop-off point during their around the world traveling trips. I seem to have loads of friends doing this recently. Not that I’m jealous. Nope, not at all….

It’s great though as it means we get to see people we might not see again for many years, if at all. Yesterday a friend, who was my Spanish teacher when I was traveling in Peru several years ago, arrived for an extended visit. Hooray because she’s a great laugh and I’m not sure our paths would have crossed again otherwise.

She had fun with Thai immigration services and arrived late enough for a drowsy cuddle from me and some grunting and pointing at the spare room and the bathroom, through a cavewoman-like nest of bed hair.

I was excited to catch up when I got back from work around lunchtime the next day. We had a distracted chat while the Baby did his thing by her feet. She had spent the last 4 hours with him, and what was her verdict?


Yes. Be warned, visitors. We are now armed with a baby whose cutesy Facebook photos don’t quite paint the full picture.

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Friday Frolics

24 thoughts on “First Impressions of the Baby

  1. Haha this made me giggle. I often get that your life and little boy look awesome on instagram, perhaps not the same in real life. #Brilliantblogposts


  2. Ha ha caught out – nooooooo – nice try though 🙂 but they really are so cute on the photos we selectively choose for social media! Mim x #brilliantblogposts


  3. Oh dear… Can’t say you aren’t giving them fair warning with this post though. Bloody Facebook, the reality never matches the photos 😉 Nice to see so many of your friends though. I miss Bangkok *sigh*


    • Haha, indeed. Warning given. Pretty sure she was joking. I have been known to put up the teary photos occasionally and anyone who reads this blog probably has a more realistic view of the baby. Aw, come back!

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