The Baby is Sleeping Through the End of the World

For any parent nap time is a sacred time and it is no different in the Poop Rainbow household. We request quiet nearing silence if the Baby is sleeping.

Unfortunately our Baby is a light sleeper. We cannot allow him to fall asleep in his buggy with the plan to transfer him to his crib later. If he falls sleep somewhere that’s where he stays. Which is why we can occasionally be found sitting in a still running car for several minutes after we arrive home.


Normal noises wake him but he has an uncanny ability to sleep through ridiculously loud noise. I have witnessed him barely stir when fireworks were being lit ten yards away from his bedroom window. He also has learned to sleep through the drilling and crashing which is happening in the building site across the road.

Two nights ago the Mummy, the Dog and I were woken at 2am by the mother of all storms raging directly above our heads. For at least an hour I lay awake listening to thunder crashing and the rain hammering down outside. We also lost electricity from 2-7am which meant all the air conditioners went off and the rooms grew steadily warmer.

And how was the Baby while the Dog (and I) cowered in our bed?


The next morning I had to battle my way to school through floods and swarms of unidentified flying bugs which seem to have emerged overnight. Perhaps a plague of locust? Is the end of the world nigh and I didn’t get the message?

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Let's Talk Mommy

36 thoughts on “The Baby is Sleeping Through the End of the World

  1. Kids are ace aren’t they, sleeping through all kind of crazy. My son is the same nothing will ever wake him I can vacuum light on in his room and put his laundry away while he naps but my daughter she could hear a pin drop anywhere anytime. Great post. Thank you ever so much for linking up to Share With Me #sharewithme


    • Wow, vacuuming is impressive. My tot only sleeps through ridiculously loud things which should wake him. He’s an enigma, my boy. Thanks for hosting.


  2. Hehe oh how I used to dread putting a sleeping z in the moses basket, he’d wake up in an instant and start whimpering for another cuddle. Slam a door though and he’d just snore through it all!


  3. hahaha that’s so true! They are so unpredictable with their sleep and wake up to the quietest sounds!! #TwinklyTuesday x


  4. Zach was exactly the same as this when he was a baby! He was absolutely useless at transferring and I spent half my maternity leave, sat outside in the car, hoping that I was parked within reach of the wifi signal indoors! He has got better although still isn’t perfect. He does transfer easier and even if he does wake a little, it’s usually really easy to get him back off again straight away. He’s approaching three though so I was praying it would happen at some point! Thanks so much for linking up with #TwinklyTuesday


  5. I will never understand their ability to do this and yet if you sneeze, dare to take a pee or make yourself a cuppa they wake!? Love the cartoons 🙂 #TwinklyTuesdays


  6. Story of my life!!!! The boys will sleep through plates breaking when they crash on the floor (true story), my father in law having a screaming match with the manager at our marina, and our 7 year old singing “Let it Go” for the 450,028,593,049,029,358 time at the top of her lungs. Let one of them move their foot slightly (they still sleep in the same crib) and other one will wail for the next 20 minutes! It’s the most ridiculous thing!


  7. Its the same here, they’ll sleep through NYE in amsterdam which is like London in the blitz but will wake if your bones creak outside their bedroom


    • Haha, yes but Murphy’s parenting law states that a nap will only last longer when you don’t want it to so I’m pretty sure that would back fire on me 🙂


  8. hahaha! I love how he wakes up to a *cough*. And sleeps through the boom of fireworks! Kids are so unpredictable with their sleeping habits 🙂 #TwinklyTuesday


  9. Ha!!! Mine are both the same. They can be woken by the sound of a gentle guff but will sleep soundly through a tornado ripping the roof off the house. Little weirdos!
    Great new about Mads! I voted for you!! Good luck!!xxx


  10. Ha ha, Helen was exactly the same. I remember one night the close of our flat was broken into and the fuse box was vandalised. This caused our alarm to go off for two hours and three sets of policemen to trample in and out of our flat. Helen slept through the whole thing only waking at 6am just as I was hoping to go back to bed!

    I hope the world holds it together long enough for you to claim your award!!


    • Wow, did you worry about her hearing? I did initially about the baby but he can hear a cracker packet being opened from three rooms away so I guess we’re OK.
      Haha, or at least until our holiday with the grandparents and sub-holiday away from the Baby 🙂


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