Shy Bladder and Not So Shy Baby

My bladder is not what it used to be. My dad used to tease me because I’d race home from school and straight into the bathroom without saying hi. That was because I’d go all day at school without going to the loo.

Thanks to a 9lb baby who used to kick-box my bladder, those days are over. I now use all my school breaks to nip to the loo and usually wake up at least once at night. I’m not complaining- I laugh and sneeze without fear, things could be a lot worse.

When I need to go, I go. I do not hang around in public bathrooms. I honestly wonder what the heck women are doing in there. Surely peeing doesn’t take that long? Am I doing it wrong? And if there are twenty cubicles I’m pretty sure that everyone doesn’t need to do a number two at the same time.

Then I met the Mummy and all became clear. She has a shy bladder and needs to be able to concentrate to pee. For someone who has to really concentrate not to pee sometimes, this is a little strange to me however I have come to accept that this is who she is and I love her anyway. Even though it means I am often found lingering in public restrooms like a creepy weirdo.

Lucky for her then that the Baby understands and gives her peace and quiet to visit the bathroom…

mummy pee

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22 thoughts on “Shy Bladder and Not So Shy Baby

  1. Hehe this made me giggle, Boo knocks or says uurrrrgggghhh or sometimes eeewwwwww – children are awesome!


  2. HA! Yes indeed, 3 big babies later and I’m not waiting around to pee either. Luckily I can laugh and sneeze with confidence as well lol But there’s one certainty, and that is when I go into the bathroom one of my kids will be knocking on the door asking for something! #brilliantblogposts x


    • You can borrow him for a bit if you want….?
      That’s an impressive amount of skill. I couldn’t breastfeed the baby with two midwifes, a lactation consultant, a boppy pillow and a nipple extractor.


  3. Love the illustrations & your writing style. After 4 kids I agree with your main points 1) use all opportunities to use the bathroom & 2) no more privacy. Stopping by from #wineandboobs


    • Perhaps we should take a point from our tots. I think being a ‘Tena lady’ might be the way forward. Imagine not having to make trips to the loo! Certainly suits my laziness.

      Liked by 1 person

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