Like mopping the beach when the tide is coming in.

Dear Baby,

When you’ve been playing with the remote control for 17 minutes and been ignoring your many, many educational, expensive, baby friendly toys for over an hour, I sometimes do this thing called tidying up. It is not an invitation for you to come and play. Especially not when your idea of play consists of charging over to destroy my neat tower of blocks or upturn the stack of rings, and then proceed to ignore the toys again in favor of chewing the Dog’s feet.

I am trying to create a crunchy granola, Montessori environment where you don’t flit from one object to another like a bumble bee on speed. That is made difficult by your insistence on mess and destruction of all sense of order.


Also sometimes I’d appreciate it if you stopped for half a second to marvel at my physics defying construction masterpiece rather than just gleefully knocking it down. It’s just polite.

Warm regards,

The Mama

Domestic Momster
The Dad Network
Stopping at two

40 thoughts on “Like mopping the beach when the tide is coming in.

  1. I live in a world that I clean two rooms and allow the others to be destroyed. And when I say allow I mean that the boys decide that cleaning isn’t a good thing. Thanks for linking up with us on the #bigfatlinky hope to see you there this week.


    • Two rooms is an achievement. We don’t really have any as everywhere I go the Baby is right there behind me, undoing whatever I just did. Thanks for hosting!


  2. You are one funny illustrator lady! If only we could talk to the wee ones in a way that they could understand our serious frustration. It’s almost like having a cat that leaps to claw the curtains and then looks at you to see if you are paying attention knowing damn good and well that you are. Thanks for linking up with #momsterslink.


  3. Pleading with them has never worked for me. They always wait until I’m looking, and then carnage commences. They’re evil, I tell ya.


  4. I love Montessori. It is a great way to help children develop and grow. My daughter goes to school as I’m too unwell to home school but….I use these Methods in the home regular…. đŸ™‚

    Angela xx

    Angela recently posted “The Gratitude Diaries Week 2”


  5. I just cleaned up my kids room, while he was in the house. What was I thinking. It is a complete waste of time to even proceed to tidy/clean/organise while your kids are near you. I agree with the whole knocking the block towers down. Why can’t they just marvel at it before they knock it down so quickly??!!


    • Yes. I read a blogger said she imposes a rule that the kids either have to help her clean or go to another room. Can’t wait until he’s old enough to enforce that one.

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Ah. Classic!
    My kid gets ALL of the pens out just to take their lids off and throw them on the floor.
    That’s fun to clean up!
    And he likes to get out the Jenga, Scrabble and Connect 4 and throw the bits everywhere.
    Again, love cleaning it up!!!
    You have all of this to come!! #Joy

    Liked by 1 person

    • Yuck. I’m getting an eye twitch just thinking about it. Do you think there’s any chance I can insist on only big toys with max two parts until he’s….18?


  7. Haha. This is so true. I swear my son has a 6th sense as to when I start tidying up. Also, I put a lot of time and effort into building him train tracks which he destroys within 5 minutes, grrr!!


  8. Love this! This is my day, every day. The Baby likes to systematically remove each item I have just put away in the dolls house as I put the next one in. #bigfatlinky


  9. lol so true. Each of my kids were the same way. And, the little one tortures the older ones by knocking down their things. I simply remind them that they did that too – to me, or their older sibling. Payback time! lol #bigfatlinky
    ps love the new header đŸ™‚


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