Why we don’t eat our young.

Loads of different animals eat their own young; bears, felines, canids, rodents, insects, fish, reptiles, amphibians and birds. And there are moments where I emphasize. So why don’t we?

Two words: parent goggles.


Mother nature has aced it once again by making our babies soooooo freaking cute and adorable to us we could never eat them. It was the love-tinted mummy goggles that got us through those hazy, leaky, poopy, sleep deprived first weeks.

Don’t believe me? Have a good look at your average newborn, one which you are not related to. At best the usually look like an old man, crossed with an alien crossed with a potato. That wasn’t what I saw when I looked at my newborn though. I saw the most gorgeous thing ever created.

Now that he’s mobile and getting more stubborn and demanding every day the Baby is in even more danger that I might just decide a yummy fat rolled baby thigh is much better than this parenting lark. But never fear, dear readers for Mother Nature has upped the stakes once again, ensuring the Baby grows even cuter every day…..




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MAD Blog Awards UK 2015


The Twinkle Diaries

38 thoughts on “Why we don’t eat our young.

  1. Great post! They get even cuter when they get to the naughty, annoying stage so you don’t take them back to the Baby Factory (like my husband sometimes threatens!!). Thanks for linking to the #BlogFair


  2. I love my daughters and I do think that they’re exquisite. I’m fully able to see, though, that at birth, they looked like hairy lizards. 🙂 Thanks for sharing with #TwinklyTuesday.


  3. True – babies are the cutest ever! And they are very lucky for it with what they get up to – no one else could ever get away with it lol #TwinklyTuesday


    • Haha! You’re a braver woman than I. No way I’m getting that close to his butt. His farts could knock you unconscious and to reiterate he doesn’t exactly poop rainbows.

      Liked by 1 person

    • Obviously I wasn’t talking about your baby when I said they looked like old male potatoes from another planet. Nor any of my readers who clearly only breed beautiful babies xxx


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