The ‘Me Do It’ Toddler Rap by Motherhood: The Real Deal

Normally I wouldn’t embarrass my extremely white, suburban self by getting involved with rap. One Vanilla Ice type act per lifetime is plenty, in my opinion. But never fear, rap fans, for someone else is visiting to show us how it’s done.

I’m happy to announce our second guest post here on ‘My Kid Doesn’t Poop Rainbows…and other parenting realizations’. Today we welcome Tayla, from Motherhood: The Real Deal with her hilarious take on a toddler rap.


I basically need you to imagine that your toddler is a rapper from the Bronx, else this just ain’t gonna fly.

OK so are you channeling a Bronx rapper? Yes? Good, so let’s do this…

me do it 1

Yo yo listen up, I got something to say, Mummy and Daddy pass the mic my way..

I wanna do it all, and do it good, best nobody messes in my hood!


Putting on my nappy, making my own milk, sticking my finger down the plughole in the kitchen sink

Yeah I don’t care when enough is enough, I’m a badass toddler, and I’m hanging tough!


Hit the boom box mamma – boom bap boom boom boom bap


Tying up my shoes or I’ll scream the house down

Zipping up my coat or watch my smile turn to a frown

Closing the front gate til my hand gets jammed innit

Wiping my own butt because yeah…

toddler rap 2

Hit the  boom box mamma – boom bap boom boom boom bap


Brushing my own teeth, coz who cares if they drop out?

Fastening every fastener, that my badself finds about

Yeah don’t try to mess, or a slap will come your way

Including when we cross the road, or you will pay!

toddler rap 3

Hit the  boom box mamma – boom bap boom boom boom bap


Coz I don’t care if it’s messy, dangerous or rad

Me do it myself because I am bad!


Yeah….Take it to the bridge home mummy and daddy…uh, uh, yeah….


Thanks for that masterpiece, Tayla.

For more toddler related chuckles head over and check out the rest of the ‘Inside the Head of a Toddler’ series here, here and  here. You can also follow Tayla on Facebook or Twitter.

If you fancy seeing your words next to my dodgy drawings check out the Guest Posting info.

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MAD Blog Awards UK 2015
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The 21st Century Mama
Let's Talk Mommy

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