A Lesbian Mother’s Nightmare

say mama1 saymama2saymama4

saymama3  saymama5

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40 thoughts on “A Lesbian Mother’s Nightmare

  1. We had both for a while and then Boo decided that it would be fun to mix it up so for a couple of weeks I was dadda and my husband was mumma – always like to keep you on your toes – I always think that there are worse words than dadda to be called!! =D
    Boo calls my mum (her grandma) cuppa tea (as it is what my mum is always drinking and says to Boo!! hehe


    • True, there are definitely worse words. We haven’t actually heard it since so I guess it was a one time, comically timed wind up on his behalf.


  2. Oh too funny, or not funny. But I struggle with this same dilemma its’ always flippin’ Daddy what about me what about mommy. lol It’s just too easy for them to say. I say we rename Mommies to something easier rolled off the tongue. Although when they have a poo and I ask who do you want to change you, bath you feed you they can only say Dadda! lol IT works in my favor sometimes too. lol Thanks for linking up to Share With Me #sharewithme


    • Yes, I have no idea why the Mummy opted for ‘mummy’ instead of the much easier Thai ‘Mae’ (like what a sheep says). I’ll be playing the ‘he wants you’ card later for sure. Those nappies are no joke! Thanks for hosting.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Yeah, I think that will happen sorry! Apparently it’s the first word 90% of babies will say, which is weird, as I was the one that was around the kid 90% of the time!! And I had to wait months before he said Mama! #brilliantblogposts


  4. Remember in my child psychology lectures fairly typical that first word will be ‘dada’ due to easier song formation. Just wait until they can recognise the difference in sexes as my son did the other day says ‘mummy you not got a Willy you got a hole’ as hsyannounce to everyone in the female toilets, pmsl!


  5. LOL! This is funny because it’s so true, BUT i will say, that because of the way the word “mama” forms in their mouth, it usually comes out sounding like “dadadadad”. That little tongue gets in the way (as per my speech pathologist cousin)…so chances are, he’s saying Mama…or at least we can convince ourselves of that…LOL


    • Well if we’re going to do that lets do it properly. Clearly the Baby was trying to say ‘Dear mother from whose loins I sprang’ 😉


  6. I think every baby’s first word is “dad”, even if they don’t have one! Well, with the exception of my sister, whose first word was “cookie”. Priorities.


  7. Love your pictures. Funnily enough, I have friends who this happened to as well. Their little girl went through a phase of determinedly calling her ‘Mama’ Mummy ‘Daddy’ when she was first talking. They couldn’t work out where she had got it from!


  8. yeah his first “word” was dad, I”m not really counting it. We think he’s actually saying dog, but most of the time it is just babbling that sounds like “dad dad dad dad dad.” No where near saying anything remotely close to mom.


    • True, I didn’t think of that. It’s become a competition amongst us too. The Mummy is trying to get him to say the Thai word ‘Mae’ because it’s easier but I’m adamant it doesn’t count as she calls herself ‘mummy’ when talking to him 🙂


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