Is Your Baby a Genius?

As the Gunkle is fond of saying ‘Baby time is slow time’.

Oh yes it is. I find as the Baby gets more difficult mobile the seconds on the clock slow their march to a crawl. Unless it’s naptime, that is. Then they’re fairly flipping fly like they’re being chased by a pack of rabid, mangy soi dogs.

Clever Mother Nature is looking out for  me again though. Just when I feel I might slip into a coma through the tedium or have a stress induced stroke she reminds me that my baby is a genius.

An outsider might not be impressed by the Baby’s ability to give kisses when requested in two different languages (!). An outsider might point out that the Baby’s open mouthed, hair pulling, face grabbing embrace resembles a scene from the Walking Dead more than an actual kiss. She or he might also query the wisdom of also sharing these open mouthed kisses with the dog. Me? I think- ‘How cute is my frickin’ genius child?!’

learn to kiss

An outsider might watch the Baby concentrating hard as he stacks rings and be unmoved. She or he might suggest that the ring which made it onto the stack probably did by accident. She or he might say that a success rate of 1/43 attempts is nothing to get excited about. Me? I’m all ‘When should we start applying to Oxford?!’

learn to stack rings

He even learned to pick his nose this week. That must be a sign of advancement, surely. I’m not sure about eating it after, but hey ho. Not to mention the determined and skilled way he demolishes everything within reach. Perhaps he’s one of those savants who is determining how things work by deconstructing them.

Hats off to ya M.N.! It’s certainly more fun to pass the time in the company of a gifted baby than a regular one.

How does your child show their genius?

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15 thoughts on “Is Your Baby a Genius?

  1. Well… somebody’s gotta raise the genius’ (es)? See, I am not one. I do believe though, that there is a section on the age a nose was first picked on all the best University applications – so be sure to mark it in his book!
    PS – Have already voted for you, lady. Big congratulations and fingers crossed!


  2. brilliant! love the pictures! my toddler is a genius too! He could eat his porridge with a spoon at 12 months and I nearly sent him to Oxford! He can also climb out of the swimming pool by himself which his older sister can’t even do so I might have to call someone who knows how to deal with super talented kids 🙂 #brilliantblogbosts


    • My goodness, spoon wielding 12 month old?! I’m only brave enough to give my tot a loaded spoon sometimes. We better get Mensa on the case!


  3. My 15 month old just learnt how to pick her nose too! Or at least she realised her finger slides in perfectly. But of course your child is a genius! Just like mine! 🙂


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