How to Eat Out with a Baby

We have had a few successful restaurant trips with the Baby so naturally, like every phase I’m going to assume this is the new norm, offer advice and then be shocked when it all goes sideways next time.

So, with no further ado, here are the Rainbow Poop Mama 7 tips on how to eat out with your baby.


1. Choose your venue wisely.


In my opinion this is the most crucial point. You don’t want to be drowning in glares in a fine dining establishment. Nor do you want to be anywhere near a play park or soft play area unless happy to chase your crawling baby around, trying to make sure he isn’t flattened by a rampaging four year old rather than eating. Aim for somewhere between tablecloths and plastic cutlery.


2. Make sure they have a highchair.

baby tot seat


We have one of those portable highchairs that miraculously attaches to any chair and ties the Baby down, leaving us hands free. It was great, for a time. Now the Baby reacts like we have tied him to a railway track and he can hear the locomotive engine chugging just around the corner. Plus when you’re weaning the more surfaces to catch food, the better.


3. Don’t get them out of the highchair until you’re finished eating.


Distract them in any way you can. Pull faces, sing songs, give them a spoon to play with. If you take them out you wont get them back in again for love nor money.


4. Bring snacks


It may seem a little counter intuitive to go out for food and bring food but a few rice crackers of Cheerios might save your hide when the food takes an age (which is about ten minutes in Baby time) to arrive.


5. Don’t worry about the mess.


Tidy up at the end. Don’t stress that your cherub has chucked enough food on the floor to feet the entire city’s cockroaches. If you try to tidy during the event it will quickly become a game which quickly sees the baby laughing and you crying.


6. Eat like you’re in prison.

baby stealing

Huddle over your food and protect it from those grabbing little hands. Eat at a speed which will either result in choking or heartburn. You never know when your meal might be interrupted by a feces throwing riot in full swing so get your calories while you can.


7. Be ready to bail at a moment’s notice.


If your Baby is anything like mine you’ll have between 5 minutes and 30 seconds from the first whine to a full on, red faced, squealing meltdown so order that bill early and be ready to hightail it outta there!



There you go, sweet readers. Go forth and enjoy eating out. There’s no reason the general public shouldn’t also experience dining with small children. If nothing else you’re doing your part to control the population by proxy.


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Life Love and Dirty Dishes
The Dad Network
Domestic Momster

36 thoughts on “How to Eat Out with a Baby

  1. Ha! So true! We love eating out with Ted but sometimes it does result in eating at the speed of light! Thanks for linking up 🙂 #bigfatlinky


  2. I have only had to bail out of an establishment once. And even though we were in the noisiest part of the place, I was still getting stares from people. I remember the waitress coming to put our food on the table and before she could even get it done, I told her we needed “to go” boxes…pronto! Great read! Thanks for linking up with #momsterslink.


  3. hahaha I went through a period of not eating out when Arianna hit a certain age as it was stressful and messy!!! We are back on it now. But I agree you NEVER take them out of the highchair until you are done. Ps The OITNB thing inspired the prison bit eh? So late commenting on the #bigfatlinky this week xx


  4. God that is hilarious!! Because it’s so bloody true. I love the bit where you have to eat like a prisoner! I always have indigestion now….it’s just part of my life since I have to eat at lightening speed. #momsterslink


  5. snacks for whilst you are waiting, snacks for whilst it’s cooling down, snacks for when they don’t like it, snacks to bribe them so you can actually finish your meal and snacks for whilst you’re waiting for their desert 😉 Thanks for linking up to #FridayFrolics

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Great post. My wife and I actually considered banning eating out for dinners until the kids hit our teen years. Meals out with the kids seem to be an exercise in frustration more than anything else. I’m told it gets better.


    • Normally I’d agree wholeheartedly with you but we’re having a good run at the moment. Not sure how long it’ll last. Probably I’ll have changed my tune by next week.


  7. Ah, yes, the ‘took them out of the Highchair too soon’ mistake! (See also the pushchair!)

    I will feel less bad about the occasional bad dining out experience now that I realise I am just aiding population control, however!


  8. Love this guide! All so true. I wait until my main course has arrived to strap my baby in. Until that time they play in my lap. Once they go in the chair, the clock starts ticking. I bring little toys that they don’t get at home, and snacks to help stretch out the high chair time.


  9. The eat like you’re in prison is great advice (and perfectly illustrated!) Babies are such thieves. We also used to bring a bin liner with us for under the highchair – worked a treat! Dining out with a baby is a thrilling experience… just not always in a good way! #FridayFrolics


    • Sausage and chips doesn’t sound too bad. Our tot would often like to swap his mush for our food. I’d take a sausage and chips 😉


  10. Now try that with two toddlers. jajajajaja juajuajuajua insert more maniacal laughter. I don´t know what you´ve done to your kindergarten degree art but it seems like before you were photographing drawings on paper so the background was kinda grey. Now the background is white! Good revamp! nice, I like!


    • Haha, it comes and goes based on whether I was able to use the scanner at work or my camera at home. Trying to justify buying a scanner to the Mummy but she’s not convinced yet…


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