Baby’s Bad Language

I used to be a fantastic swearer. Growing up in the non-posh end of Fife, Scotland, attending a public high school and working many low paid jobs during my teens and early 20s equipped me with a fairly spectacular, blue vocabulary. F words littered each sentence like punctuation. I wasn’t even afraid of dropping the odd c-bomb.

After the Baby joined us I decided I’d like to try to avoid having my kid’s first word be a four letter one.  I cleaned up my act as best I could.  I even decided to write this blog without my beloved swearies, just so I get into the habit of finding other words to express myself.

But I can’t help but wonder, as I watch the Baby get annoyed and hurt himself, if he isn’t already cussing.

Perhaps his violent shriek and shove on one of the rare moments he doesn’t want to make out with the dog is actual a baby curse?

baby cuss 1

Maybe when he face planted (again) that guttural grunt was a satisfying swear word.

baby cuss 2

Maybe his yelling protests when his new favorite chew toy is confiscated is actually expletives.



baby cuss 3

Little potty mouth!


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29 thoughts on “Baby’s Bad Language

  1. My little boy swears but only by accident when trying to pronounce other words! I’ve never really swore, only when something particularly annoying or shocking has happened 😉 My husband swears a lot though so I’m always tell him off! 🙂 x


  2. Unfortunately, I’ve been lacking in keeping swearing to myself. However, yesterday my 3 year old said, “Oh shit!” I was then reminded of my potty mouth and set on the path of less swearing…. eh…


  3. I swear, sometimes when the boys are grunting at each other and then they giggle, they are saying, “Look at these two f*cking dumb asses!” and then they laugh..they MUST be, considering the stupid faces and voices we use on them…


  4. We have found now that there are certain words that my son can’t pronouce properly and they sound a bit er….rude! Take Skunk for instance, you can only imagine what it sounds like!! x #sundaystars


    • Haha! With his Thai influence I’m sure the Baby will be no better. I looked up, horrified at the newsreader earlier saying ‘Fu-goff’ over and over. He was saying ‘full golf’ but that’s really not what it sounded like!


  5. I think this every day and compliment my son on his future as a sailor. It’s good to know he has a career all picked out.


  6. Wow! You’ve really made me think about all those grunts my kids make after they face plant the floor! Maybe they are cussing. I’ll be trying to work out which word it is next time!


  7. I think you might be right! Although maybe my kids are just repeating the ones I may utter from time to time! I try not to but find it so hard! Thanks for linking up to #sundaystars – and good luck with your MADs nomination! xx


  8. Genius! I will still never forget the day by little girl said bugger at the dinner table when she was literally about 14 months – MORTIFIED!! Where oh where could she have got that from I wonder? #sundaystars & generally your no. 1 fan lol!


  9. Hahaha!!! I never thought of it like this before but I bet you’re right!!! My husband swears all the time and has had to be so careful, we’re so surprised our little girl hasn’t come out with anything yet! I will def be thinking of this post everytime my baby boy has a moan up now! #sundaystars


    • The struggle is real. In Bangkok traffic I try to limit myself to calling people ‘butthole’ but it doesn’t have quiet the same ring to it. Not sure I’d want him repeating that either…

      Liked by 1 person

  10. I am proud you don’t swear in your blog. I tried to, but I can’t express myself properly! Yes, I am sure babies/toddlers do have their own swear language. They would have to, wouldn’t they? It doesn’t seem right to fall over, and just say “Whoops” ;).


  11. So funny! We have to be so careful what we say around the kids. They pick it up so naturally. I’m always using the word cr#p and my now my 7 year old uses it when things go wrong. They also pick up funny phrases too. My daughter likes to say, “I am so frustrated’ last week she came out with “Daddy is a Frustrating boy” lol! – too funny!

    Angela from


  12. Love this! I think you’re right. The stream of babble my baby yelled at me the other day because she wanted my apple, was definitely swearing! There was accompanying finger jabbing & everything!


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