An Unexpected Oasis

A few days ago the Mummy, the Baby and I made an unexpected find.

I walked into an establishment I’d normally try to avoid for the first time and was amazed.

happy mama

There was free tea, coffee, water, soft drinks and snacks. There were cozy booths, regular chairs with a prime viewing spot in front of the TV. There was even two programmable massage chairs which I quickly discovered would recline and simultaneously work on my shoulders, feet and calves…for free!

It was heading towards the Baby’s bedtime. We were forced to wait in this establishment for two hours. How was his mood?

happy baby

Not only was this place looking out for the adults it also catered to the kids. There was a big slide with a play house underneath, an activity center, a big TV showing cartoons, multiple Lego and Duplo tables with pint-sized chairs, books, blocks, colouring-in and balloons. The whole area had a foam floor. Plus there were no other kids, staff were hanging around to make goo-goo eyes at and enough people coming and going to charm. Baby paradise, in short.

And what was this magical establishment?

Our new dentist.

Do you think weekly teeth cleanings are out of the question?


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14 thoughts on “An Unexpected Oasis

  1. Visiting the Dentist in Bkk is great. The kids get to play and they get all these funky balloons too. At one point, I was beginning to wonder if the dentists here need to be a certified balloon artist. They make all kind of shit!


    • It’s fairly spectacular although not my favorite part as I spent the whole time wincing while he pinched and pulled them, terrified they would pop.


  2. Ahhhh man I miss Asia soooooo much! Wish my dentist was like this, rather than always running late and there being absolutely no entertainment for the kids. Weekly teeth cleanings sound awesome xx


    • It’s AMAZING. Our dentist growing up had a doll house with no toys and half a broken death star. I had train tracks and headgear (oh yes) so spent a ton of time bored out of my box in the waiting room.

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