What’s Wrong With My Baby?!

The other day was the first Saturday of my holidays. It was a weird day, to say the least.

Bizarrely the Baby didn’t wake us up multiple times in the night. He woke up squawking at 5am, drank milk and then fell back asleep until 7am (!) , which is 13 hours of sleep . Even weirder that I also slept until 7, waking up just a few minutes before he started babbling on the monitor. Much more civilized than the screaming 5am starts we’d grown accustomed to.

The strangeness continued. The Baby ate all his breakfast without complaint, drank all his milk before his nap and then slept for an hour and 45 minutes. Normally he chucks his food to the Dog, rejects the milk and sleeps for 30 minutes at which point I consider sobbing into my 4th cup of coffee.

Then, in the car the Baby babbled happily for the 40 minutes it took us to drive to the mall. Often that journey has me threatening to exit the moving car on the motorway because I can’t take another minute of his screaming.

At the mall he was cute and charming. He played nicely in one of the indoor playgrounds, didn’t object while we window shopped and then was a model citizen in the restaurant. He even ate over half of of his first ever tuna croissant and didn’t whine when the Mummy took her time finishing her sushi.

We were a little late for his nap returning home and he still sat happily watching his songs in the back of the car, alone. He didn’t even do his normal trick of falling asleep 5 minutes before we arrived. At home he again finished his milk and then nodded off for another hour and a half. What sorcery is this?!

After nap time we played happily together with his toys. He didn’t cry, whine or even have a meltdown when I rescued the Mummy’s phone from his sweaty little grasp. We fed him something new, homemade, balanced and without dairy for dinner and he gobbled that right up too. After another short play we started his bedtime routine. 30 minutes later, at 6’30pm he was fast asleep.

This day was completely at odds with every other day we’ve had for the past month. We had accepted cranky, difficult Baby as the new normal and then he goes and throws us this perfect day curve ball.

perfect day-page-001

I thought I’d capture this day for prosperity as I’m not sure when the next perfect day will be.  A tiny part of me kind of hopes this is not going to be an everyday thing as what the heck will I blog about?

Don’t worry, I’m sure he’ll be back to his difficult and entertaining self tomorrow.


Everything Mummy

My Random Musings

25 thoughts on “What’s Wrong With My Baby?!

  1. These good days are just fantastic aren’t they, fingers crossed you will get more 😀
    I miss the days where my kids were all in bed before 7pm. Now I have a sleep allergic toddler and teenagers who are often feigning sleep when I go to bed! Thanks for linking up with #sundaystars x


  2. If only every day of parenting was like this. Unfortunately my days like this are usually sandwiched in between days where baby decides she doesn’t need to nap for 12 hours. I suppose those tough days (and sleepless nights) make us appreciate the good ones! #sundaystars


  3. Ah so I should be grateful to my two little psychopaths for giving me so much blog fodder. Their behaviour yesterday was so horrific I can’t even face writing it down.

    Fingers crossed the baby wakes up seven times tonight and you find him shaving the dog under the breakfast table before breakfast!


    • Yup. What would I write about if it wasn’t for the Baby’s shenanigans.
      To be fair the Dog is overdue a haircut so the Baby would actually be helping me out 🙂


  4. I remember always thinking the bad ones were how it was going to be forever and the good ones wouldn’t last. I agree with some of your other commenters, definitely look forward to more like this! #sundaystars


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