The Sleep Through the Night Tease

The other morning we had a bit of a miracle in the Poop Rainbows house.

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We had a lovely day with little whining and long naps and then went to bed with bottles prepared for his normal nightly wake-ups.

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Oh my, thought I. Perhaps we’ve finally reached the stage where he sleeps through the night. Hooray!

And then I caught a nasty cold and quickly passed it on to the Baby.

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It was nice while it lasted. Sigh.

My Random Musings


41 thoughts on “The Sleep Through the Night Tease

  1. Ha ha here I was thinking you were going to give me The Answer but no! 4.23am ha ha! Oh we’ll get there one day and they’ll sleep through. We will, won’t we?! Mim x #twinklytuesday


  2. When a baby sleeps through… the total dream..pity your dreams are shattered by that baby crying every night to get to that eventual mecca of ‘baby sleeping through’. One day, one day. I feel your pain. #twinklytuesday


  3. Oh it’s always the way. I blimmin hate it when Zach gets a cold because it ruins his sleep completely and we are like zombies! It will come though, the regular sleep filled nights will appear! Thanks so much for linking up with #TwinklyTuesday


  4. Oh no, what a tease indeed!

    I remember the first time my daughter slept through the night (let’s face it, it’s a pretty monumental occasion). I woke up, looked up the clock and then went into a blind panic because I thought something must be wrong!!

    Hope you’re feeling better though! xx



  5. Oh this sounds like our house. L will sleep through one night and then I think is this it? But then the next night or a few days later he will wake at 1am, 2am, 4am. Basically just for the attention. Here’s hoping he will eventually get it. #MummyMonday


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