The ‘Three Weeks of Torture’ Diet

Here is a guest post from Sarah, over at Run Jump Scrap. I think she might be a bonefide mind reader or a stalker and I’m a little scared. She wrote exactly how I feel….


I’ve been a bit tired. Not just “having a baby tired” but generally tired. When I almost nodded off in front of OITNB I realized some serious action was needed.
The Baby is sleeping pretty well so what else could it be? Possibly the abundance of cake and sweet treats I keep stuffing into my mouth. Possibly. Okay, very likely.
The solution? Three weeks of torture. Three week of potential starvation. Three weeks of a grain-free, dairy-free, sugar-free diet. A potential bonus of this could be slipping into a smaller size dress and being able to buy a decent bra.

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How hard could this really be? I will have lots of lovely, healthy options to choose from. It’s not like I’m addicted to sugar. I can quite easily go 3 weeks without it. Three weeks without cake will be a walk in the park. I’m a teacher. I’m organized. I can plan my meals and I absolutely will not cave.
So far, so good. Whilst my wife and the baby scoffed a yummy cheese-filled quiche, I was quite happy to eat my Mexican chicken. Not once did I think about rugby tackling my wife, pinning her down and having a bite. That thought never entered my head and I do think I am feeling a bit less tired too so this may be working!
A week in and I’m twitching a bit. I think there may be some cake in the fridge. Possibly chocolate. Perhaps, if I wait until my wife is in bed I can creep downstairs and crawl to the fridge on my hands and knees. One lick of the icing doesn’t count, does it? A bit of sugar from icing is really the same as sugar from the 10kg of mangoes I ate earlier.
I slightly buckled. I couldn’t help it. A slice of bread with peanut butter has been consumed and it was heaven. Some random dietitian told me nuts were really healthy; full of protein and good fats and they would really fill me up. I felt really full; a bit sick actually. That may be because I ate half the jar with my finger.

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Anyway tomorrow is a new day and I can wipe the slate clean. I still have two weeks to go and I’ll do it. I have to as I’ve ordered a treat to celebrate when I’m done.

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Thanks to the amazing Sarah for the creepily accurate account of my first week dieting and all of the support and advice. Pop over and show her some love on her brilliant blog, twitter, facebook or google+.

If you’d like your words to appear here next to my dodgy cartoons check out the Guest Posting tab for more information.

Let's Talk Mommy
Super Busy Mum

31 thoughts on “The ‘Three Weeks of Torture’ Diet

  1. Great guest post. It’s so hard to get motivated and once you do to keep it up is a challenge in itself. Never mind the scales and making it to week two. So I give you big clapping hands for how good you are doing. I find it so hard to stick to a diet but I am dying to get rid of the last bit of baby weight. My mom and I are trying a challenge starting Sunday… just to stay away from the failed attempts that always start on a monday. Thank you so much for linking up to Share With Me #sharewithme


    • Oh I think Sarah’s fine. It’s me with a few screws loose who decided this diet would be a good idea. Thanks for the luck- I need it!


    • Well I wasn’t going to tell you guys so that I could fail a week in, eyeball deep in some chocolate fudge cake but then Sarah went and let the cat out of the bag so I guess now I have to stick to it.


  2. I don’t know how you’re surviving! Once, I tried getting my husband and I on a short-term paleo diet. We didn’t even make it a week…


    • Have you seen that meme: ‘Cavemen would have eaten icecream if they had any’ haha! Well I’ve only just passed the week mark so don’t be too impressed yet!

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