Sugar-Free Diet Insanity

A few days ago I decided to put myself on a sugar/dairy/grain free diet for a couple of weeks.

I’m a terrible calorie counter and I can’t cope with anything complicated or anything involving maths..or thinking (especially when I am hangry*). We’re pretty tight for cash so fancy paid plans weren’t going to work. Plus I used this diet to lose 3 stones in 6 month after University, which I didn’t gain back so I have a little faith in it.

The first few days are the hardest. I have written before about my snack addiction and it’s the sugar that I miss first. Especially when I have to watch the Mummy and the Baby scoffing something I can’t have (whilst silently cursing them and muttering under my breath).

I sit and fantasize about that Organix banana biscuit the Baby has tightly clutched in his fist. I want it soooo bad. It looks delicious and no one would need to know. I don’t think it even has sugar so it wouldn’t even be cheating…

stole baby cookie-page-001


Don’t worry, I restrained myself. The Baby’s biscuit is safe…today.


How have you fared with diets? What the most effective/easiest one you’ve tried?

*hangry: When one has reached the point of hunger which has a negative effect on their mood and causes them to behave irrationally and with bouts of fury. Hungry/angry- hangry.

Friday Frolics

14 thoughts on “Sugar-Free Diet Insanity

  1. I don’t even like chocolate…I’m more of a salty person but the moment I deprive myself of sweet stuff, I can think of nothing else!
    I even contemplated having a squirt of my lemon shower gel…It smelt delicious. And the apple kitchen cleaner got my taste buds watering.


    • Haha, I’ve licked Imperial Leather soap before. It smells so good! Not food-like in the slightest though so perhaps I should be concerned. I don’t want to wind up on My Strange Addiction.


  2. So brave, I know what being hangry feels like – and it’s not nice for me, (or anyone within earshot!) Good Luck!!


  3. Oh poor you. I had two weeks of free slimfast which worked well, I’m not paying for it though so now I’m back out in the wilderness struggling away and it’s so hard. Why can’t I eat crisps and sweets all day and still be a size 10?? It’s not fair!


  4. Kudos! I don’t think I could last on this diet for half a day. And this is also why I’m carrying around extra weight in the wrong places. Good luck with your diet!


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