A Parenting Mystery

My knowledge and application of mathematics is shaky at best, I’ll freely admit,  so perhaps I am missing something key here which explains the seemingly inexplicable.

If I go into a shop and buy a slice of cake it costs, lets say for simplicity, 1 GBP. Then if I decided I wanted the whole cake, or eight slices I could expect it to cost 8 GBP or perhaps a little less as I am buying in bulk. I have never entered a shop which charged more for a slice of cake than the whole cake.

So can someone explain this to me?

tshirt mystery-page-001-1

Why does something which uses a quarter of the materials cost 4 times as much? If you work in the clothing industry and would like to offer and explanation I’d be very interested to hear from you.

2 thoughts on “A Parenting Mystery

  1. You have to consider the cuteness factor of buying a tiny version for an adorable tiny person. What? They don’t teach the cuteness factor in economics?


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