The Baby is ONE!

Happy Birthday, Baby!

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At 00.30 on this day last year, after almost a week of coaxing you out you were placed on my chest for the first time. Despite what you’d just done to my lady parts and despite the fact that you were very hot, wet and stinky I feel head over heels for you that day.


It’s been amazing how you’ve grown during the last year. It seems like every day you get a bit bigger and a bit more able to get into mischief. That tiny newborn who wailed every two hours for months had turned into a boisterous baby on the cusp of toddlerhood.

When you firmly push the dog away, throw yourself down a slide headfirst or initiate a game I get a little glimpse of the boy you will become. Take your time, little one. Mama is in no rush for that day.

Imagine the fun we’re going to have together this year! It wont be long until you have us chasing you around and you start telling us ‘no!’. Think of all the food you’ll try for the first time, all the places we’ll visit and all the things you’ll learn. I can’t wait, sweetheart.


One request though? You’re not a little baby anymore so let’s give this sleeping through the night thing a whirl, m’kay?

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Love from Mama


14 thoughts on “The Baby is ONE!

  1. I know these feelings well My oldest three are 20, 17, and 13, so I beg my soon to be 9 year old to slow it down and take her time for as long as she can. It passes quickly, and yet, there’s this dichotomy in parenthood where it seems like time is flying but you still can’t think on a time when they weren’t in your life changing everything you knew about the world into something new. I know I was a kid, a teenager, a college student, a new bride…but nothing was anything until I became a mom.


  2. Happy birthday to the baby! Enjoy celebrating his milestone, and your own (for making it a whole year and growing into your roles as parents!)


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