How to Fly with a Baby

We have returned from our mega journey to Spain. Please allow me to share with you some of the wisdom I collected on our 22 hour, 3 plane journey.

1. Pack your hand luggage lightly and strategically.



Needless to say we failed epically on this count and had to lug three tons of stuff through every security checkpoint. We were prepared for every eventuality though.

2. Begin or end your journey from an Asian country, preferably Thailand.

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This might not be the most practical advice for your holiday but I stand by it. I avoided immigration and security queues (which were significant) both on the way in and out. In Suvarnabhumi airport, the baby and I was ushered into an empty security room where pleasant officers even helped me repack my bags.


3. Remember that the person carrying the baby through customs also needs to carry the milk.

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As the Baby and I swanned, stress-free through priority security the Mummy was left in the regular line fighting to keep our 10 cartons of milk we had packed for our mammoth trip. Thankfully a sympathetic, parent security guard took pity on her. Phew.

4. Allow the baby to play on the floor for the hour after you board before you take off.

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It’s nice getting on before everyone else and getting settled but it does mean that you’re on an hour before a long haul flight begins to taxi. Don’t make our mistake and get everyone buckled in too early.

5. Sleep when the baby sleeps.

Because you sure as heck wont be sleeping when he’s awake.

6. Prepare witty come backs for people who are mean about your baby.

A woman sitting near us with her baby was heard to admonish her fellow passenger with a loudly proclaimed: ‘My baby’s crying isn’t nearly as annoying as your snoring!’. The female passenger immediately ceased her sighing and tutting.

7. Know that your baby will choose the most inconvenient time to poop.

Ever tried to get out of the row when everyone has their meals on their tray tables in front of them? Try doing that with a grabby, poonami baby tucked under your arm.

8. Try to plan your first stop to be with family so you have something to look forward to.

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Have you attempted a mega journey with kids? What advice would you offer?

The Twinkle Diaries
Let's Talk Mommy
Best of Worst

43 thoughts on “How to Fly with a Baby

  1. I can really relate to this: I travel 26 hours across the world each summer by myself with two toddlers. By the time I land which ever way I am going I am a zoombie from planet pluto. If it’s still a planet or back to being a planet anymore I still feel that far away from human nature. lol The kids adapt though and it’s just one long day. We are about to take this journey again back to the UK in three weeks. I am a bit nervous but hoping we have done it a few times they will be pros. A girl can hope right? Thank you so much for linking up to Share With Me #sharewithme


  2. This would be the reason I have not flown anywhere since my children were born. Luckily immediate family lives within driving distance. The next plane I catch will be my husband and I going on our first honeymoon. 😀 Oh wait…I mean our only one. Great post…something to laugh about now but I am sure at the time a bit stressful…especially people that stare like you want the baby to be screaming or pooping at dinner time. Just stare back and make funny faces…that’s what I do. #bestandworst


  3. Oh my god I don’t think I could ever, ever, ever fly on a plane with my cray, cray toddler and a newborn. I take my hat off to you. Thanks so much for linking up to the #bestandworst hope you can pop by again! xx


    • In fairness I wouldn’t be rushing to fly with two either. The two weeks of help and babysitting made it worth it. I’ll be back…if I can get my dozy brain to remember.


  4. Brilliant! We have yet to take Zach abroad on a plane (an hour and a half ferry ride was long enough!). If we do though, I know just what to do! Thanks so much for linking up with #TwinklyTuesday


  5. We just did a cross-country flight with our 2 year old. Only tip would be when packing her backpack, make it light enough that when you put it on her shoulders, she doesn’t fall over backwards… Yeah. Learned that one the hard way.


  6. Brilliant 🙂 we have a long haul coming up with a 3 year old – can’t say I am looking forward to it – utter madness what possessed us! Thanks for the comic genius though will remind myself of this when I am pulling my hear out 🙂 #TwinklyTuesday


  7. The only plane journey we attempted was when Matthew was 10 months old but it was only 2 hours and he slept through it as it was his nap time when the plane departed. #sharewithme


  8. Points well noted! We’re off to Mexico next year and seriously dreading the flight with 4 little ones in tow. We’ll be “THAT” family on the plane!


  9. Wow that preferential treatment sounds fantastic – that is not the case in NYC. Going through security with 3 kids is a nightmare & getting all of our things gathered up again is not fun. Great tip to let baby loose until you have to buckle up. Love the witty come back to rude passengers as a top tip lol Welcome home, I’m looking forward to your other holiday posts! #TwinklyTuesday x


    • Thanks, Becky. It’s good to be back. I missed chatting and reading you guys. OMG, the special treatment made the trip almost stressfree. If only the rest of the world would catch on.

      Liked by 1 person

  10. Love your drawings! We’ve only flown 2hrs on holiday and it was a traumatic experience as I wanted to run up and down the gangway. My folks ended up keeping me occupied with the iPad! Phew! Hard work! #TwinklyTuesday


    • I’ve been on planes where toddlers have run circuits around the plane for the duration. I say go for it. Tires you out so hopefully you’ll sleep and anything beats screaming!

      Liked by 1 person

  11. You are so brave, we don’t dare venture further than France or Sweden with our little charmers. The first time we took Helen abroad she was about the baby’s age-I wish we had known point No.4 #twinklytuesday


    • Once I get back to Europe permanently I’m not getting on a flight for longer than 3 hours until he’s old enough to plug into an ipad for the duration.
      Point 4 should be mentioned at boarding.

      Liked by 1 person

  12. Just got back from a week long car trip to visit relatives and scatter great aunt’s ashes. The best, most amazing thing was the ‘box of stuff’. This magical box was about 8 square inches and there were literally hours spent with stuff being pulled out, handed to the designated baby watcher, and handed back to be returned to the box. Hours. Seriously. Magic.


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