11 Things

I was tagged for this by Sarah over at Run, Jump, Scrap. Without further ado here are her questions and my answers:

1) Name 3 people dead or alive you would have dinner with and why.
Tina Fey, Amy Poehler and Amy Schumer. Absolute legends. Pretty sure I’d be so star struck I wouldn’t be able to string a sentence together though.
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PS. I realize that if there was ever a chance of me dining with these three amazing women I have just ruined it with this sketch.
2) Why did you start blogging?
I required surgery on my back with had a long recovery period and lots of bed rest. Starting ‘My Kid Doesn’t Poop Rainbows’ kept me and, more importantly my wife sane as it kept me busy.
3) Where is your favourite place in the world?
Railay Beach, Thailand. I love it so much I’m going to post the first ever actual photograph on pooprainbows.com
This photo was taken by me from the top of a 30 meters(ish) rock climbing route by moi- impressive, no?
4) What is your favourite perfume (if you wear it)?
Ghost, Deep Night. I’ve worn it since I was 16.
5) Most embarrassing moment?
Which one?
6) If you could learn a (or another) language what would it be?
Thai. It’s very very embarrassing when I meet someone and they ask the inevitable, ‘How long have you been in Thailand?’ and, ‘So can you speak Thai?’. It would also make visits with the inlaws less awkward if I could progress beyond ‘This is yummy.’
7) Favourite film?
Depends who’s asking. Either True Romance if I’m playing it cool or Finding Nemo if I’m being honest talking to kids.
8)  Thing that annoys you the most?
Hormones. I think I’d be almost insanity free if mine were on a more even keel.
9) Android or Apple?
Android. Half of the time I can even find the on switch for Apple computers. Why would you hide that??
10) You have £1000 to spend in a shop – which shop and what would you buy?
I’d take the Mrs to a department store and tell her to go for it. She is super tight with money, never splashes out and needs to replace some of her holey t-shirts.
10) What’s at the top of your bucket list?
A family ski holiday.
11) What is your best feature?
Tough one. How does one choose between teenage skin, saggy boobs and rapidly thinning hair?
I guess my legs are the winner. I am 6 foot tall but about 60% of that height comes from long, slim legs. Imagine an ostrich if you will as none of the rest of me would be described as slim. I have come to accept my height and enjoy my legs, even if I do look a little odd next to normal people.
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Here are my questions:
1. What’s the worst thing you’ve ever done?
2. What’s the worst job you’ve ever had?
3. What’s the best trip you’ve taken?
4. If you could be any inanimate object, what would you be?
5. What’s the best TV series you’ve seen?
6. What’s the weirdest thing you’ve eaten?
7. What’s the best date you’ve had?
8. What do you want to be when you grow up?
9. What rules do you often break?
10. What white lie have you told recently?
11. What’s the most annoying thing you have seen online?
And I’m tagging…
And anyone else who wants to get involved 🙂
Let's Talk Mommy

Brilliant blog posts on HonestMum.com

18 thoughts on “11 Things

  1. That photo is amazing!
    Thanks for the tag! I am hoping I will get some time this weekend (if Boo is nice and naps!)


  2. I’m with you on most points but I love my iPhone – couldn’t go without it. These are a fun way to learn more about the blogger behind the blog. Excellent photo by the way, very impressive!


  3. Ah I love being nosey. Great answers. That photo makes me want to go to Thailand even more!! Impressive climbing. Can’t believe you are 6ft! I thought I felt tall at 5f8. Hubby is 6ft5 and it’s fab! Embrace the tallness! Xx


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