A Baby-Free Holiday Within A Holiday

During our two week holiday in Spain my parents offered to look after the Baby for two nights so the Mummy and I could go and see the sights of Malaga. Here’s a breakdown of those two days in pictures.

baby free holiday to malaga-2

baby free holiday to malaga-1

baby free holiday to malaga 3

baby free holiday to malaga 4

baby free holiday to malaga_5

A somewhat abrupt end but ah the lightness of not lugging around a ton of stuff, not worrying about nap times, sleeping through the night, lie-ins, siestas plus a generous helping of beer and tapas. I think we added 5 years to our lifespans. Thanks, Grandma and Grandpa!

My Random Musings

23 thoughts on “A Baby-Free Holiday Within A Holiday

    • Indeed. I thought I have to get up to pee a few times a night but it turns out I can sleep through for 8 hours without even rolling over when there isn’t a baby squawking down the monitor next to my head.


  1. It’s brilliant when parents help out with the kids. I miss having my mum help out…(as she is in New Zealand). I’m pleased that you got small break! I’m having three days off from parenting in two weeks and I’m looking forward to some time for me…but at the same time, i’ll miss my daughter…but I will make the most of it!

    Angela x


  2. Fabulous – a holiday within a holiday. You should add this to your tips for traveling with baby post, pure genius. #AnythingGoes.


  3. Haha, nice Picasso! Two nights without kids sounds like bliss! Amazing how refreshing a short break can be 🙂


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