Like Mother, Like Son…Apparently

Every day the Baby gets a little older, a little more independent and a little more able. It’s really fun to watch him acquire new skills. What is less fun is the frustration which is appearing more and more rapidly when he is unable to do what he wants.

A increasing pitch of ‘nyeh, nyeh, nyeh’s which eventually make the short jump to full blown screaming, is a fairly regular background track at the moment. These mini fits of hysteria can be brought about by a multitude of occurrences, from being unable to reach something he wants to being unable to force a square peg into a round hole.

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Upon our latest bout of this rage the Mummy informed me, ‘Yes, he’s definitely your son.’

I have no idea what she could be referring to….

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Let's Talk Mommy

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27 thoughts on “Like Mother, Like Son…Apparently

  1. Oh I’m never like that on my computer. Absolutely not at all. I find the threenage years the worst….


  2. hahaah – I remember this from when my boys were little.That has now turned into my toddler screaming instead though! lol #BrillBlogPosts


  3. Yup, yup and yup! I think a bit of fiest is needed – gives them a bit of character and balls. My monster looks just like her dad but her stroppiness and ability to never shut up is her mummy’s genes (apparently) xx -#brilliantblogposts


  4. Aw the lovely baby frustration! We had that when Emma was younger and she wanted to do more than she was able to and even more so now that she’s a toddler #sharewithme


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