I Excel at Procrastination

The summer has come to a crashing halt. I am midway through the dreaded teacher training week, with the kids returning and lessons beginning on Monday. It’s a heck of a shock to the system to basically do nothing work related for 6 weeks then suddenly be in school from 7am-4pm every day.

The week before school begins is always busy to the point of mania and I am also trying to get to grips with a new promotion. Everyday my to-do list grows with very little seeming to be accomplished by me.

I have lessons and topics to plan, resources to order, various letters and emails to write, a new department to get to grips with, a new set of books for the entire Primary to figure out and tests to write and deliver in the first week. Plus an exhausted Mummy relieve from baby duty at the end of a long day.

Am I diligently ploughing through this mountain of work every day for 9 hours? Gleefully checking off items from my list and watching my accomplishments grow?



Nope. I’m gittering about with a hot glue gun turning pom poms into caterpillars.


The Dad Network

12 thoughts on “I Excel at Procrastination

  1. As a teacher and now a home school teacher this is basically my life and has been for over 10 years. It’s a pain but I always kind of enjoyed it. Thanks for linking up with us on the #bigfatlinky hope to see you there this week.


  2. LOL this is brilliant and although I’m sorry you’re gluing pom poms, there’s nothing like a bit of pressure to get things done….whenever that might be! If it’s any consolation, I’m also very behind myself….I’m wondering if I’ll ever catch up!


  3. My mom was a teacher and then principal for more than 40 years and I know exactly what you are talking about. She would work diligently a few weeks after school ended, then usually take a course and then right around mid August she would be into the school for 6 or 7 hours every day prepping for the upcoming year. I spent one summer teaching ESL to kids and I have a mountain of respect for teachers. Your job is hard and doesn’t stop when the bell rings at the end of the day. #Bigfatlinky



    • Yes. We get great holidays but usually spend a significant chunk of them doing prep. It’s not an easy job but I love it so it’s worth it 🙂


  4. This is exactly the sort of thing I do! & my mum worked as a teacher – I have very clear memories of my mum spending 5 and a half weeks every summer saying that she needed to get her school work done, followed by 3 days manically getting her school work done! #bigfatlinky


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