6 Reasons Why Having a One Year Old Rocks

As you might already know the Baby recently turned one. We all survived the first year- hooray!

Here’s a few reasons why having a one-year-old rocks:

He can do stuff.

He’s no longer a mewling, potato-like newborn, only crying, sleeping, eating and pooping. Now he is a little more fun as he can move and bust out new tricks like waving, answering ‘Who’s the cutest one?’ and, most recently the wai.

one year old-page-001

He can’t do that much.

He can’t yet drop me in it by telling the neighbors what Mama thinks of them. He’s not walking so we don’t have to chase him. He’s not dropping f-bombs at inopportune moments. He doesn’t know what an advert is or how to ask for stuff.

We don’t have to sterilize everything.

We were still sterilizing bottles until my mum pointed out he is regularly to be seen licking the floor….or worse.

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His toys are more fun.

There’s only so long I can feign interest in a squeaky giraffe. Balls, cars and lego? Now we’re talking. I could be happy for hours. Playing with the Baby, of course.

He doesn’t feel so breakable.

Thank heavens as he has so sense of self preservation.

baby dive off sofa

My silliness makes him giggle.

I’m sure there will come a time in the not so distant future when my dance moves will make him wish he could disappear so for now I shall enjoy being his personal entertainer.

Which was your favorite kid age?

Best of Worst
Let's Talk Mommy

48 thoughts on “6 Reasons Why Having a One Year Old Rocks

  1. I love when they get to the one year old “sturdy” stage where they aren’t so breakable but still can’t do much harm to anything. It’s one of my favorite stages. Enjoy. Thanks for linking up to Share With Me #sharewithme


    • Oh no, I hadn’t even thought about that. I’m a bit fashion backwards so I guess I’ll be OK with his choices if they’re half way appropriate.


  2. Oh yes. We stopped sterilising with my son at around 6 months old, when he started licking the floor also and eating mud I didn’t think there was alot of point ha ha. Thanks for linking up to the #bestandworst 🙂 hope you’ll pop along again!


  3. Love this and I am totally with you! LM is 9 mths now and I think things start getting much more fun and just a little less hard work at this age! Xx


  4. Congratulations on making it through the first year and happy first birthday to your son! Mine is 16 months now, and I would say that the second year with him has been way more fun than the first (though I really do miss the newborn, helpless baby stage every now and then). But it truly just keeps getting better and better as he learns and experiences new things! 🙂


    • I agree is fun when they learn. I think I’m going to need a lot more time and rose tinted glasses before I can miss the newborn stage 🙂


  5. 1 is a fabulous age! It’s crazy how they all love to bite on shoes, possibly the dirtiest thing they could get their hands on. It builds the immune system lol #sharewithme


  6. Sounds like Baby is at a very cute stage! My little man is 18m and starting to say (or try to say) words which is very cute, every stage has it’s pros and cons though 🙂


    • Oh yes, as everything it’s not all sunflowers and rainbows, that’s for sure. There are times I’d swap my cute 1 year old for a 5 year old who sleeps through the night, for example x


  7. Hi there,
    This looks like a fun blog and one I can relate to. I love the cartoon drawings by the way 😉
    I enjoyed reading this post. I have a 9 months old son (I am a first time mom), so I am enjoying my boy so far. He can be a handful at times, but all in all, he has been a blessing and I have been enjoying all the months so far. I must admit that the first months (newborn stage) was the toughest. I was adjusting to motherhood and learning everything I could about it about about my new crying boy. I love it when you described the newborn stage “mewling, potato-like newborn” HAHA so true, but to me that was still a special stage of his life. He is now much more fun at 9 months ^_^ I wish I had the confidence as a mom back then though and took a more “chilled approach” in my day to day life with him. I am more of a type A personality and the one who wants to do it all as close to perfect as possible … so his no reason non stop cry was noting leaving a happy camper. – If I was taking this parenthood job in a more relaxed way, I would have enjoyed it even more-. Now, it is much better and I accepted the fact that things with my boy will not go 100% perfect (example, he can skip a nap or two, a meal or two..etc and that is still fine since somedays this will happen ).


    • I completely agree with what your saying about confidence. I’m sure part of the reason I didn’t enjoy the mewling potato stage is because I felt so out of my depth. I feel like I have a bit of a better handle on things now. A bit.


  8. Hahah! I loved this post! My mother practically brought up my cousin brother and I remember the toys turning interesting around the time he turned one. I don’t remember him much at that age though….:P


  9. It’s so good when they can start doing stuff! And you are right, not being able to tell tales or tell you to stop singing or to turn the TV over does how it’s advantages. It’s all good though! Enjoy #bestandworst xx


  10. It’s so fun when they can actually start doing stuff. My boys are are crawling (well one is) and the other is sitting excellently which makes it so much more fun to play and interact with them, especially since they aren’t blobs any more. I’ll be honest though…i hope their first word isn’t the F-bomb…although it would be equally terrible and hilarious!


  11. The picture you drew of him jumping off the couch? Yeah, that’s how my guy is with the stairs. Gosh I remember how fragile we thought they were when they were tiny and floppy… now they are like “see ya mom, I’m going to run down the hallway and splat on my face two times.”


  12. The toddler years are a lot of fun. Once they’re less fragile and able to do more, parenting gets a little bit easier. I still insist it gets easier as they get older, even though a lot of parents disagree which doesn’t fill me with much hope! #bestandworst


  13. I kind of love very newborn babies, they look and act like little turtles, all slow and deliberate movements, but a year old is definately a good age too.


  14. They’re so much more fun and independent as they get older 🙂 babies are cute and cuddly of course but I found it so much fun when my toddler turned 1 too 🙂 Mim x


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