Almost Toddling

The Baby is getting closer and closer to walking (help). His favorite past time of an evening is to walk a few steps between the Mummy and I, over and over.

He’s inconsistent but getting better. His biggest issue is he hasn’t yet figured out that he goes where his eyes are looking. So if he looks at the floor…

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Sorry, Baby. I’ll try to catch you before you nosedive into the play mat next time.

Friday Frolics

10 thoughts on “Almost Toddling

  1. We’re just behind you – Baby L has learnt to stand on her own without holding on, but not yet taken those few steps on her own!


    • We’ve had a bit of a toddling explosion this evening. I’m already reminiscing about the ease of the crawling days while nursing an achy back.


  2. Our Number Three started that all of a sudden at ten months and went from baby to toddler overnight. Now, a month later, he can run! Needless to say nap time is a real break for me. At all other times of day he is toddling round and getting into everything, literally – cupboards, dishwasher, …. He is not to be stopped.
    Enjoy the early stages when a few steps tire him out 🙂


    • Ours hasn’t waited for walking to get into cupboards. He now has his very own kitchen cupboard full of various bits of plastic kitchen stuff to empty and refill over and over and over. Not looking forward to running though. Would it be unethical to buy him some baby heels to prevent that?


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