Soft Play Makes Me Feel Like a Good Mum

Soft play venues are one of my favourite places to take the baby. Why? Partly because I’m a big kid who’s never really grown out of them and also because they make me feel like I am a good mum.

Here are some reasons why:

  • With the average year round temperature a sweaty, humid 30 something we don’t get out to the park as often as we should. Soft play is one of the few places other than our house the Baby can test out his increasing mobility.


  • If you go to a busy soft play there is always that one kid acting out making your kids transgressions fade into the background.


  • I have no nice clothes, hairstyles or makeup to speak of so I am happy to go and roll around in the ball pool with the Baby or go down the slide umpteen times.


  • I love watching the Baby learn to negotiate obstacles without worrying he’ll split his head open on our floor tiles.


  • Every time the Baby gets a little bit bolder when exploring but still hightails it back into my arms at the slightest uncertainty.


  • I am the cool grown up that teaches the big kids how to use the air fired ball gun.


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Lets brag a little. What do you do that makes you feel like a good mum?

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48 thoughts on “Soft Play Makes Me Feel Like a Good Mum

  1. Ahh it’s great when you feel like a good mom. I love getting the kids to do something new and adventurous outdoors and then feeling like yeah today I was a good mom that pay 100% attention to my kids hahaha Working from home it’s harder to do daily. hahah Great post. Thanks for linking up to Share With Me. I hope to see you again soon. #sharewithme


  2. Softplay makes me feel like a bad mum. They have free wifi so I take my laptop and write blog posts while they’re playing! 🙂 Fortunately I think I’m a pretty decent mum most of the rest of the time to make up for it.



    • If mine weren’t so small that he’d get into bother or get trampled without me I’d be the same. Although I might still nip in once to try out the slides. Just to make sure they’re safe, of course.


  3. Great post! I’m the mum that’s too scared to take Alfie to soft play for fear that my arse is too big and will get stuck in the rollers………….Thanks for linking up to the #bestandworst 🙂 x


  4. I love soft plays because I can let Emma run around without being worried she’ll run away and I’m such a kid at heart I love going on all the slides and obstacles. Obviously I’m just showing Emma how it’s done! At least if anyone asks lol #BrillantBlogPosts


  5. We love a play gym.
    It gives the kids freedom to run around like idiots, allows me to put my feet up for a bit…everybody wins!
    The funniest bit is when you hear crying. All the parents are like meerkast…is that mine?
    Makes me chuckle eveytime…unless it IS mine!
    Love the drawings by the way!


  6. Bumbi loves these places so we are frequent flyers at a few local spots. She likes to do her own stunts so these are great places where she can practice without ending up in the ER.


  7. Getting up every day with a smile on my face after another sleepless night makes me a good Mum, haha.

    Great post. I’m heading to my first soft play this Friday with friends and their kids. Great to know I can go in my leggings and play in the ball pool. Renee (Peonie & Me) x


  8. Castles! I feel all outdoorsy and organic when we go. Also we’re doing historic educational stuff. Admittedly there have been a few near death incidents which make me think soft play may be a better/safer option!


  9. When I had one child, I loved them. Then I had a second and when she became mobile, she hated going to them, so it was always difficult managing the two of them. By the third child, eldest could look after him, so my job was done and now I’ve got to the stage where I am one of those parents who sits and reads whilst their children go off and play. I always envied those smug parents and thought I would never get to that stage. Unfortunately my eldest is nearly 12, so she’s about to grow out of them!


  10. Haha I love these!! I don’t like softplay too much but Z is in love with it so we do end up there quite a lot. Plus I can sit there and eat steak (yep they do steak dinners there!!)


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