The Skype Generation

We live a 17+ hour flight(s) from my parents and a 9 hour drive from the Mummy’s. I love that we’re able to Skype with both sets of grandparents. The Baby gets really excited to show off his new tricks and enjoys interacting with people through the computer and phone. It’s great that we can stay connected from so far away.

We don’t have cable or satellite TV at home and the Mummy and I try not to watch anything which isn’t baby friendly when the baby is awake. Partly because we’re trying to be good parents but mostly because we can’t concentrate when he’s demanding our attention. This basically means the only TV the Baby has seen involved cartoons or animations.

When the bombs went off in the city center this week the Mummy streamed Thai news through the computer. The Baby immediately rushed over to see who was the relative in the TV, ready to sing to him and play with him. He reached out to high five and waved at the newscaster and was quite put out when she didn’t stop to applaud his skills.

baby cry 2-page-001


Figuring out the whole world doesn’t revolve around you is a tough realization, I guess.



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23 thoughts on “The Skype Generation

  1. We are not permitted to watch “the mummygrammes” ever in our house. The wailing beats you into submission and you agree to watching another episode of team umizoomi before you can say “the news” my nearly 2 year old also find it unacceptable to see other people on the iPad and generally turns them off! #fridayfrolics


  2. Oh dear – we skype too & toddler has been known to expect Grandma to appear on the TV on demand. She possibly thinks Grandma is a programme. Glad you’re all okay re the bomb. #fridayfrolics (that hashtag now sounds like I’m being very flippant regarding bombings, doesn’t it?)


    • Not to worry, Silly Mummy. Wouldn’t Grandma TV be just the best. Sometimes we give her a ring just so she’ll entertain the baby for a bit. International babysitting.


  3. Do you know I don’t think I’ve ever skyped, I’m lucky my family all close. I don’t have any satelite tv either other than netflix which I watch when they’re in bed. #fridayfrolics


  4. Eeeeee bombs?! Do you live near where they went off? How frightening! I can just picture baby waving at the computer, my daughter is the same way. Also, if I go to take a photo of something other than her we have issues – I mean, why would Mommy take a photo of something other than me?!


    • They were in the city center and we’re on the outskirts but they were in spots we often go to. Very scary.
      Haha, get your priorities straight, Mommy 🙂


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