Things My Kid Does to Antagonize Me

I’m sure there are some people out there who think I’m nuts. Surely there’s no way a one year old could have already figured out how to push my buttons. But he has, and with great effectiveness.

Here are a few examples of the Baby’s daily stunts which get my blood boiling:


Making sure he has my eye contact before doing something he knows he’s not supposed to.

Pretending he’s going to eat something then chucking it on the floor at the last moment.

Wailing for something to eat then promptly feeding it to the dog.

Gobbling up something one day then acting like we’re trying to poison him the next.

Being quiet for ages at nap time then screaming the minute I sit down.

Throwing something out of reach then screaming because he can’t reach it.

Asking to be picked up then freaking out when I try to pick him up.

Wanting to get in the bath and then crying because I put him in the bath.

Waiting until I’ve changed his nappy then coming to hang out near me to have a huge, stinky poo. Preferably while I’m eating.

pooping near mama-page-001

Waking up (relatively) late, eating all of a new, never tried before breakfast, playing nicely by himself, stopping his play to toddle over and give me a hug- just when I’m about to publish this post so I feel like a monster who doesn’t deserve such a sweet, loving, well behaved little boy. Sigh.



Running in Lavender
My Random Musings

46 thoughts on “Things My Kid Does to Antagonize Me

    • Haha, maybe, although I think they might take that as a sign of weakness and submission- like dogs. My baby doesn’t need any encouragement to feel like he’s the boss đŸ™‚

      Liked by 1 person

  1. Yes, the are evil geniuses & they are plotting against us! I hate the throwing something & then wanting it back, then throwing it, endless cycle of work for mummy FOR NO REASON! #anythinggoes


  2. Ahh these all sound very familiar! My little boy loves looking me in the eye when doing something he shouldn’t, sometimes he does it in slow motion with this evil little grim on his face and then he comes for a cuddle!xx #SundayStars


  3. Oh yes a 1 year old certainly knows how to push your buttons…! You are not going crazy. Just wait til they are 2. At least you can tell them to stop winding you up and for them to understand then! x #SundayStars


  4. People think your mad when you vocalise things like this but I totally agree the little terrors absolutley know what they’re doing we know because as mums we know them best they just manage to fool everyone else! #SundayStars


  5. It’s the wanting to be picked up then immediately acting like you’re kidnapping them that gets me the most. Baby Bear – as I type – keeps whinging and whining and half climbing up onto me but as soon as I sit him on my lap he’s crying and struggling. I find myself saying ‘what do you want??’ far more than I ever thought I would to a one year old.

    Great post. #SundayStars


  6. Hahaaa these take me straight back to when Z was one. He would do all of these….then totter over in his sleeping suit, being all ultra cute at the end of the day to make me guilty for feeling stressed out đŸ™‚


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