Things You Can Do with Food Other Than Eat It

Hold it in your hand for a really long time until it becomes soggy and disintegrates.

Sneak it to the dog when your mummy isn’t watching.

Rub it on the dirtiest surface you can find.

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Post it into a small nook or cranny.

Save it somewhere for later.

Chuck in on the floor.

Rub it in your hair.

Push it up your nose.

Store it up in your cheeks like a hamster then choke on it and regurgitate it all out again.

Push it under you so your mummy things you’ve eaten it all.

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Push a huge piece in your mouth, chew it then spit the whole thing out.



Let's Talk Mommy

31 thoughts on “Things You Can Do with Food Other Than Eat It

  1. Hahaha! LOVE that pic with the cat’s bum!! Hahaha!! Love your illustrations, they always make me smile 🙂 Most of the boys’ food seems to end up underneath the kitchen table. It’s like a food bank under there. Thanks so much for linking up with #TwinklyTuesday — hope to see you again next week! x

    Caro |


  2. Lol. Brilliant. I was doing the weekly vacuuming of my car and the car seat and thinking about how many people could fill up on the snacks scattered all over the car.


  3. I think that is your best illustration so far!! You are lucky the baby is so far an only child- you have yet to discover the joys of ‘spitting your food at your sister’ a truly charming diversion for any meal time! #twinklytuesday


  4. Ha! Which end is he giving the dog his food?! lol I hope that’s really not occurring in your house – I’m sure doggie wouldn’t’ appreciate it. lol One of our fav’s is to rub yogurt all over your face – like a smelly milky facial. And, into the hair, of course. Great post as always x

    Liked by 1 person

  5. I had no idea that you could do so much stuff with food! And it sounds like loads of fun too.
    I wanna have fun! I’m going to go and stuff a lasagne in my DVD player!!!


  6. ….chew it a bit, spit it out and offer to mummy. Unless it’s chocolate or cake and its eaten at the speed of light x “sighs” 🙂 x #twinklytuesday


    • Haha, ours wont even reliably eat cake! Sometimes I wonder if he was switched at birth- you know, with one of the many other half Asian kids born in Inverness that day.


      • Seriously? Wow! Yeah there must have been a mix up 🙂 another half Thai babe is a really possibility! I’ll be badgering u for your birth story next! I love those 🙂 xx


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