Gifts to Buy the Kids of People You Hate

The Baby is lucky enough to have a lot of toys, many of which were gifts.  Sometimes I quickly realize a toy I have bought or one we were gifted seemed to have been designed to annoy parents as much as is humanely possible.

So if you’re annoyed at someone and would like to send a not so subtle message, here are some ideas of gifts to give their children.

Anything noisy. Sirens, screechy voices, things without a volume control. Almost any toy which makes noise is bound to grate on a parent’s nerves after the 16th repetition. Recorders and, as I accidentally discovered, party horns are also great for making eardrums bleed.

Creepy toys. An electronic bear with a deep, male, monotone voice. A doll with a sinister expression. Anything creepy crawly related.

Toys with a million parts. You can bet that parent will still be finding extra parts long after they’ve lost patience and binned the bulk of it.

Toys that need adult supervision. A toy that doesn’t buy a parent a few minutes peace and quiet is no toy at all.

Anything with glitter. This is the parenting version of a shrapnel bomb, only to be used under the most dire of circumstances.

Projectiles. No matter how much their kid promises the first chance they get they’re shooting that Nerf dart at someone.

Toys which are neither liquid or solid. Goo, silly putty and play dough can be smushed into a carpet or soft furnishing and have amazing staying power. All three were banned substances in my childhood home.


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42 thoughts on “Gifts to Buy the Kids of People You Hate

  1. Haha, love this list and it’s totally true! My son had a Peppa Pig Rocket when he was little and it only have one volume – LOUD! Those were hard days when he wanted to play with it!



  2. One set of “friends” gave my boys a drum kit. I think I actually said, “wow, you really hate us!”. Actually, it’s been a great toy because it’s not electronic and they actually have to work hard to play with it. I totally agree about the noisy toys though — crazy-making! #bestandworst


    • My wife has a nutty interest in our lad learning to play drums. To be honest I can’t think of a single instrument you’d want to suffer hearing a child learn to play though. Anything but the recorder.


    • Yes, I think before you have your own you don’t realize how annoying stuff can be. Saying that my mum definitely did know and used to go out of her way to buy annoying toys for people.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Glitter is banned in our house. Whenever we allow our 7 year old to use glitter (usually around christmas for her christmas cards to family and friends) she literally throws a party! “WOO HOO!!! Glitter!!! Mom’s let me use glitter! Go glitter! Go glitter! It’s your birthday!” No seriously, it’s wild. I haven’t work in daycare in over 2 years, and somehow, there is still glitter in my bed…it’s wild.


  4. No silly putty allowed?? Gutted I had shed loads of that. Ah it sounds like the baby has had some brilliant gifts. I must admit the noisy ones are probably the most annoying. I’ve got the best idea of what I could buy the baby for Christmas now…..*evil evil laugh* Thanks for sharing with #bestandworst and hope to see you back next time x


  5. You are not the first person I have heard suggest this evil plan! I have it on good authority, however, that you should never do it with kids you are related to – the parents will get revenge on you by turning up at your house with said noisy toy! (Re the regifting issue above, surely you write a list of the people who gave you the offending toys, & then redistribute amongst them, being careful not to give anyone back the actual toy they gave you!) #sharewithme


    • Ah- great plan. Stored for future use! Yes, my mother made the mistake of buying the baby a noise car garage and was woken up to the sound of it at 6am every morning on holiday.

      Liked by 1 person

  6. I am desperately trying to stop my husband (who has never had his own kids) from buying my niece a Frozen recorder set. He thinks it would be a fab present for her upcoming birthday, I know my brother would dissown me if we got it!! #bestandworst


  7. I hate it when people buy those multipack sets with felts/paints/crayons.Guaranteed to end up decorating my walls 😦 #bestandworst


  8. If you wanted to take me down and destroy my sanity, you’d give me any toy that sang the alphabet in a happy-clappy ‘aren’t we having so much fun’ way. I can’t handle it and have been known to bin them.
    The sad thing is that you can still hear them singing away when they are stuffed in a black bin outside the front of your house. Those damn toys have the projection of world class opera singers.


    • Vehemently agreed. We have one which sings in a high pitched, loud Chinese accent. It reminds me of those tortuous propaganda broadcasts they have on old war movies.


  9. Piglet has a set of three cars-ambulance, fire engine and police car-that sing about their various duties in an over-the-top Jeremy Clarkson-esque voice. Something along the lines of “Let’s fight the fire, save people with the ladder. Quick, quick, quick! On our way to fight the BIG FIRE!” Very catchy, annoying and somewhat ludicrous.


  10. Haha some good ideas! There’s a website that will post an envelope of glitter to somebody you hate… I’ve been tempted a few times! 🙂 #bestandworst


    • Haha, really? That’s their sole mission? That’s funny. My cousin used to put glitter in Christmas cards. I think she thought it was nice….


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