6 Things My Baby Would Rather Do Than Nap

I’d leap at the chance to take a nap once a day, let alone twice. The Baby, however often has bigger things to be getting on with and doesn’t have time in his busy schedule to get some shut eye. Here’s a list of things the Baby thinks is more important than taking a nap:

  1. Holding a conference with two important clients.

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2. Finishing the beverage he refused to drink when it was offered by his ‘assistant’ five minutes before.

3. Exercising his lungs.

4. Finishing the 5* meal his ‘assistant’ prepared that he suggested was not quite up to standard earlier.

5. Attempting to retrieve his blanket which ‘somehow’ made it’s way outside of the crib.

6. Getting his daily 30 minutes of cardio.

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What busy things would your kids rather be doing than napping?

Friday Frolics
The Dad Network

17 thoughts on “6 Things My Baby Would Rather Do Than Nap

  1. My 2.5 year old is in between needing a nap and not quite lasting the whole day. Its a nightmare. Take me back to the days where he would ask for his blankey and climb into bed to nod off in seconds!


    • Sounds rough. Ours went through a phase a while ago where I thought he was dropping one of his naps. Thank heavens he quickly went back to needing two.


  2. A baby’s life is quite full & lots of work. Difficult to multi-task too. Only one thing can be accomplished at a time, but that time is yet to be determined by baby’s whim. My oldest used to bite the top of the cot! He found the one section that didn’t have a plastic protector bit & would gnaw on it lol #bigfatlinky x


  3. Ha ha I love this. My eldest has got to the point where he recognises and asks to nap (air punch)! The six month old is not still not aware of his need for sleep yet and his favourite nap avoiding activity is to cry about being really tired. You’ve gotta love em! #bigfatlinky


    • Wow- asking for a nap is a thing? That would be amazing. Yes, crying because he’s tired but doesn’t want to sleep is a specialty of ours too.


  4. I love his little client meeting. So cute! At least he’s in his cot…our naps now are either in the car or on the sofa! And some days we have none!! I’d just let him chunter to himself and enjoy your free time. Happy little boy xx


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