Milestones Mean More Trouble

I get really excited watching the Baby hit a new milestone. I was chomping at the bit for him to start on solids, crawl and walk.


It felt almost miraculous watching the Baby take his first wobbly steps. It seems so recently that he was just a mewling, helpless newborn who couldn’t even support his own head. And that warm, fuzzy wonderment fills me for about a minute…


Then I realize life just got a lot harder.


My Random Musings

13 thoughts on “Milestones Mean More Trouble

  1. Yes the walking is a blessing and a curse. Then they start reaching for stuff and you realize the knives can’t sit so close to the edge of the counter…good times ahead!


  2. My little one has just started walking too so I totally feel your pain! It’s all worth it for the huge beaming smile on his face when he realises he can walk like a big boy though.


    • Yeah, the beam is cool. But I watched it turn into a look of devilment when he realized now he could go where he wanted to, not where I wanted him to.


    • 🙂 We’re using Attipus shoes at the moment and he loves them because he thinks it’s the only way he can go outside. He’s kind of like the dog when I get the leash with those shoes 🙂


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